The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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It's on and at my lj (or will be tomorrow). You have to change the ratings, which is why I don't post the links directly. My work is definitely mature audiences only.
Well, mature fanfic is fine with me :devil:

Just let us know (or at least let me know, coz I'm probably the only one here who doesn't know where to find your fic exactly) where to go. Looking forward to it! :)
I'm sure we can have both educational and shower talk. What's Italian for 'shower', 'soap' and 'don't bother with the towel'? :D
Any other important phrases we should learn?
Wow! Haven't been here in a couple days and I returned to sooo many new posts. I love it. Thanks for the Italian lessons. What I'd really love to hear more than angry Danny cursing in Italian is incredibly horny Danny/Carmine telling me how badly he wants to [CENSORED BY THE PG13 O-METER] me in Italian. I, in turn, need to learn how to say, "Anytime, anywhere, baby" in Italian. :devil:
I need to learn how to say that line from Nine Inch Nail's "Closer" in Italian. :devil: No, I can't repeat it here. Those of you who know the song will know the line. :devil: :lol:
Nine Inch Nails, huh, I know the song, I've got an idea of which line, I might even know how to say it in Italian.

Wow, that is a whole new level of dirty!

Yeah, that'd be my pick up line, in Italian. Danny would appreciate it...and hopefully blush once he translated it. :devil: :lol:
Well it is an honest approach. No need for all the drink buying and sweet talking, just get right down to business. Danny could appreciate the straightforwardness of the comment, and him blushing would be sexy.

Top41, you've got a great mind. That line sums things up perfectly. I think Danny would really appreciate the straightforwardness of that approach. No sense leaving a guy to wonder if he's gonna get lucky.
Mrs.G, great minds think alike! :)

And yeah...I agree. Why bother with all the formalities? :lol: Plus, making Danny blush would be totally hot. :devil:
ok so i don't get on the internet for one day and there are over 100 post for me to catch up on!

The shower scene - we need it!!!

Danny speaking italian :devil: :devil:

And well Danny speaking italian in the shower! :devil: now thats hot!!

so i think thats me caught up right guys?
Top41, did you mean the (i´ll write it in italian, God , i hope the PG13-o-meter speaks english only) "Io voglio vaffanculo come un animale" or "Io voglio te palpare da interiore"?

khm, i think you can make out what lines i ment... :D

(the grammar probably sucks but...i hate grammar!!!)
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