The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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Crazy4Danny - You're welcome. Glad to help.

Was watching A Man A Mile tonight and wouldn't Danny have needed a shower after coming back up from the tunnel? Would have been a nice place for one. ;)

Danny speaking Italian? Any time, any place. And he could be talking about anything. I'm not too picky.
I'll chip in for Shasta tapes if anyone has them or finds them. I've emailed a couple of people about them but no one ever gets back to me. :(

I'm all for the angry Danny speaking Italian. That's the sort of thing that would catch me off-guard every time and make me.... PG 13 meter will catch my thoughts....

This thread is really getting out of control. It's not good for me to be here too much. :devil:
An Italian could be giving you step-by-step instructions on how to unplug a stopped-up toilet and it would sound hot and sexy! We get the Italian Air Force every Summer where I live and everywhere you go on the base, that's what you hear. It sounds pretty cool but the only words I understand are "putana" ("bitch"; some a-hole in the ITAF called me that once) and "fungulo (sp?)" which will be my response to the next jerk who calls me 'putana' (it means "f--k off"); "bruto" (ugly); "belissima" (beautiful).

To those here who are Italian, forgive me if I butchered the language. I'm not 100% sure if I've gotten these words right. But if you ever want an Italian stallion, this is the place to be in the Summer. They are everywhere. Some are single. I was shooting pool with a friend and an Italian guy and everytime he made a shot he'd come over and get really close to me, looking at me very intensely. I didn't know what to say to him. Turns out he had a local girlfriend and a wife and kids back in Italy. What a slut! A lot of the guys though are single and nice.

And yeah, I'd love to hear Danny spout off in Italian!

Puttana doesn't just mean bitch it means that "C" word...I won't repeat it here or a whore. He was totally rude to call you that. Usually someone will tell you vaffanculo, which means literally to f__k up the ass. (Culo = ass). You can always call jerks like that guy who called you puttana a "Cazzo". It means prick. Or call him un figlio di puttana - a whore's son or as we say here, son of a bitch.

We so need to have Danny rattling off a few profanities!
wow, this thred is getting real educational! i´m only affraid if someone here goes to italy and finds himself in the need to ask for directions or something and all he/she can do in italian is swear.
this thread really is the work of the devil.
Hehe..I was just about to say that this thread was starting to get educational...Not that I'd bump into many Italians where I live. Whenever I get a dictionary, the first words I look up are the curses :devil:
i've got some other sketches from before we can exchange...
hey, EasetheMoment, is there a chance of you posting some of those sketches here, I'm sure we all love to see. :)

Ofcourse, you can always pm/mail them, I'm really interested.
As much as I'd love to hear Danny or Carmine talk Italian, enough of the Italian classes... can we talk shower already? :D

Oh and btw, I would never put poor Danny in a cold shower (as you said Top41, I doubt we could cope with the shrinkage :devil:) and yes Dylan was right, the cold shower was for me! :lol:... needed some serious cooling down. :p
Well, I've done my part for the shower brigade. My next fic's done. However, it's in edits so it won't be posted until tomorrow.
Well, I've done my part for the shower brigade. My next fic's done. However, it's in edits so it won't be posted until tomorrow.
Well, lead the way as soon as it's done. Do you post on or is it too spicy for that? I recall reading your stuff, just can't remember where. :rolleyes:
Speaking of languages, someone mentioned that carmine means red. Did you know that red in Welsh is.. actually probably best to Google a translation so you can get the pronunciation. Made us all giggle in Welsh classes tho, we were so immature.
Well, lead the way as soon as it's done. Do you post on or is it too spicy for that? I recall reading your stuff, just can't remember where. :rolleyes:
It's on and at my lj (or will be tomorrow). You have to change the ratings, which is why I don't post the links directly. My work is definitely mature audiences only.
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