The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

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a pitty...i´m really frustrated right now...i´m trying to draw up danny and aiden and i can draw them separately (alredy posted those pics over at the DnA) but i just can´t do them TOGETHER!!! :mad:
and for the first time ever i think i´m getting bored of looking at danny´s face...
someone kill me pleeeeeaseeee!
maybe i'll try too... i'm a sketcher... i'll find a good pic and see what i can do... it's been a month or two though... should take me a while to "warm up"...
i can´t pm ´cause of the post count and i don´t have your e-mail (not in your profile)...mine´s

sorry for all the OFF TOPIC-ness people but ther´s no other way!

it´s for the sake of art! carmine would have nothing against that now would he :D
Ahem, yeah, shower scene. And what's with all this Italian when Danny's mad? Maybe he murmurs in Italian when he's bed... ;) :devil:
^Oh, really either is fine. Danny getting all hot and bothered and speaking Italian sure seems like good stuff to me. ;)
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