The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

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At the rate it's going, by Thursday at the latest. It MIGHT go up late tonight. I'm on page 9 now and the present danger is behind the boys... well, Flack anyway. Danny's a$$ is still in risk of "friendly fire".

Heh, can we say suspense? :D You should definitely look into writing thrillers. :cool:

Mmmm...I'm picturing Naked CSI: NY (minus the ladies--no offense to them, but this is the Locker Room ;) ). :D

Danny looks so nice naked in my head. :cool:
I will. ;) :D

Shower scene! :D

What? No one has posted it for at least the last few posts. Can't forget the mission, ladies. :devil:
ETA's about four posts back.

Sorry, I hadn't got that far. I read your post and had a knee jerk reaction...or something along those lines. ;) :devil:

Has anyone else noticed the ads at the top of the page are sometimes for showers, shower curtains or locker room benches? :lol:

Hee, I'm not sure what's I said that's so funny :lol:, but you might want to have just a little more content when you post. Just something more so it isn't too spammy. It's cool to have fun in here, but we don't want to spam the thread up! :D
Shower scene! :D

What? No one has posted it for at least the last few posts. Can't forget the mission, ladies. :devil:

You're right, Top41 - shower scene! Shower scene! What kind of soap do you think he uses? I'm voting for some sort of minty scented liquid bodywash. I think he would get a better lather with a liquid vs. bar soap. As for the minty scent, I'm only selecting that because I'm invisioning a fresh, invigorating smell. Any other soap nominations? Oh yeah, and my gentle hands will gladly volunteer to be the washcloth. :D

i dunno about the minty... that dove stuff smells pretty good too...
Dove is good...I am partial to bar soap because then he can lather up a washcloth and rub it over his body. Zest has a nice, fresh smell. Minty is good, too!
i guess i'm just partial to Dove... mmm... silky soft...

...did that come out wrong??

...oh, well...
Nothing wrong with Dove. I actually use that soap myself. I'd share soap with Danny anytime. :devil:
I think he would get a better lather with a liquid vs. bar soap.

It would be even more fun to watch if he had trouble working up a lather with the bar soap. :D Also, having finally got him out of his clothes and in the shower, you wouldn't want too much lather covering him up now, would you? ;)
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