The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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you know, i never saw a guy lick his lips so much...i´d usualy tell him to go out and buy himself "labello" but i know no one here wants him to stop it :D

I love labello! I am actually just a lip balm/lip gloss fiend, but labello is one of my favorites. I own about four or five different varieties, and even have on the gold and shine with MAC, but you can't tell (to the left, from my sisters portfolio/grad school project).

Danny could always use the grape or orange flavored labello and still lick his lips, a yummy treat, and a sexy habit.

I am pretty sure I have entered the realm of babbling, so I am backing away from the keyboard to do my three miles.

Udjat, I guess if you want to ask him if he sells any of his prints or has a show wouldn't be in bad taste, would it?
Well, apart from the usual drooling we do in the Locker Room and me joining in, for a change I'm being dead serious. I truly love his work. Somehow I have this feeling he doesn't part with his work easily (actually neither do I with my own stuff).

And like you said, we don't want to stalk him and scare him half to death...what good would that do us, eh? :)

But who else can I ask but the man himself? Hmm, I'll think it over for a while.
Udjat I have a feeling that Carmine might not part so easily with his work, either. I do like his work too, and he should feel so loved that people are taking an interest in something other than his hot body, :D I mean acting.
Maybe he could make the rest of his hiatus money selling prints of his work?

So, getting back to Danny...what do you guys think the second season is going to bring for him? We know that we're getting "Tanglewood Pt. 2," but what else? Could it be...

:D that would be nice! but I think that the writers are playing against us here. I wonder what it is that they want from us anyway? Aren't we devoted enough and watch CSI NY religiously every week? Don't we appropriately drool over Danny, fully clothed? It's not right.
Whoaa, sounds like a plan to me :devil:

And apart from a shower scene... maybe... another shower scene? :D... followed by... ooh... I dunno...a shower scene?

But I'm not obsessed with Danny taking a shower, honestly! :devil:
Udjat I have a feeling that Carmine might not part so easily with his work, either. I do like his work too, and he should feel so loved that people are taking an interest in something other than his hot body, :D I mean acting.
Hot body? Did you just say hot bo-day...whoaaaa :D. Ah wait, I misread the sentence, you were talking about his acting... sorry :devil:

Actually, I don't blame him, not wanting to part with his work, he probably considers his paintings his kids :)
Uh, yeah, of course we care about his acting. It's just that we care about seeing his hot naked body a little bit more. ;)
I truly love his work. Somehow I have this feeling he doesn't part with his work easily

But who else can I ask but the man himself? Hmm, I'll think it over for a while.

I love his artwork too. Especially Wetherly Drive 2 and The Face. If you do ask him if he sells any of his artwork and it turns out that he does, please tell us. However, I think it's nice that you considered who else you could ask. I've given that a few minutes thought and I imagine that unless he has an agent actively selling his work for him, he is the only one who would know if he is willing to part with any of it.
Yay! We're back on naked Danny, my favorite subject.


Ahh, dirty thoughts first thing in the morn-- uh, afternoon. (Shut up, it's summer vacation, I'm allowed to sleep in. :lol:)
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