The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Is this a new interview or that one that's been up at CBS forever? He seemed really serious in that interview, which I find kind of sweet. It's nice to see an actor who isn't flip and actually puts some thought into his work.
I agree! I appreciate it much more when an actor/actress is passionate about what they are doing and serious about their occupation. especially since Carmine is asking on his website for feedback on his character from his fans (ok so the Locker Room groupies are overloading his inbox, but hey he's not complaining!) :lol: He should feel honored!
I agree! I appreciate it much more when an actor/actress is passionate about what they are doing and serious about their occupation. especially since Carmine is asking on his website for feedback on his character from his fans (ok so the Locker Room groupies are overloading his inbox, but hey he's not complaining!) :lol: He should feel honored!

Yeah that really suggests to me he's willing to think about his work in the off-hours, which is pretty cool. Most actors aren't so eager to communicate with fans. Not that they don't like their fans, just that usually there's a natural barrier. *shrug* Cool (and a little odd, but not in a bad way) that he's different.
Is this a new interview or that one that's been up at CBS forever? He seemed really serious in that interview, which I find kind of sweet. It's nice to see an actor who isn't flip and actually puts some thought into his work.
...i thought it was funny and awesome that he mentioned baseball in almost every answer...

he takes his job very seriously, though... he must find it a great priority to bring Danny Messer across as clearly as possible... and what a job he's doing...

Yeah, he obviously loves baseball so much. It's pretty adorably guyish. :lol:
...if anything, that's what me and Carmine have in common... baseball is one of the staples of my diet... i really caught on to the Danny Messer character after 'the Closer'... sparked my interest more... haha

Baseball's cool...I really got into it when the Cubbies came thisclose to being in the World Series! Man, that was a heartbreaker.
it was! i was watching that...

...unfortunately, the Dodgers just flat out suck this season, i'm NOT following the "LA" Angles of Anaheim... that would be like a Yanks fan following the Mets! i've reverted to following all of the other games that i can get... (we have a baseball family)

I'm not from the US, so baseball isn't a staple here, but in my life it is. I always played softball as a kid (it was just about the only sport I liked) and got into watching late night baseball when it was show here. After I left high school I went through some tough times, but the 1991 World Series kept me sane (kinda). I've had a real soft spot for basball players ever since. When I found out Carmine's original career plans after crushing on him for a few months I was stoked. I had everything I like rolled into one nice package. Ooooh, package. ;)

There was no hope for me. I like Italians, New Yorkers and baseball players. Carmine is 3 for 3. :D

P.S. I'm a long time Yankees fan. My dog recently ate my Yankees cap so I am very upset about that. Can't get another genuine fitted one anywhere around here. :(
i think we're gonna get along real well...

baseball is one of my high points... i'm a 1/4th Italian, i play softball... and NY is one of those places that ya just love... especially the hot Italian ones that live in Staten Island *cough*carmine*cough*

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