The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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^ i just finished watching that movie and now i have to rewatch it ´cause, God help me, i have no idea what´s it about! :D i was watching it while doing other stuff and i just payed attention to the parts with Carmine and Til so i missed out on some parts of the story...
:lol: you know Bitten, I almost posted those very words earlier in the day! Come on, it's how I feel. I feel like seeing some naked Danny! all of the time.
I just read fifty some posts. :lol: I love this thread. I love us. We rule. Go, Locker Room Groupies! :D

Welcome newbies! I wonder how many folks are lurking, reading this right now, thinking, "Gee, this thread is funny, but I'd never post in there...."

Yeah, mark my words, we'll be seeing you in here soon. Yes, I am talking to you. ;)

mrsfinn, what book did you see the mention in? Sorry, I'm nosy about books. :lol:
I love coming to this place! It will for sure leave me with some happy thoughts before I have to go to work today. Naked Danny...mmmm!!! Carmine in sexy black leather on a motorcycle! Ooh la la! What I wouldn't give to be sitting behind him on that bike, my arms wrapped around his waist, my head resting near his shoulder, taking in the scent of his cologne. (I need one of those little 'cloud 9' smileys here) Just thinking of his muscular legs on either side of the bike, it sends me!

I can only imagine now that this Carmine's restaurant will see a huge influx of business. LOL!
I can only imagine now that this Carmine's restaurant will see a huge influx of business. LOL!

The food there is fantastic, the Osso Bucco is dynamite, the Penne alla Vodka is amazing, I could go on and on . . .

I'm not even going to touch the black leather, motorcycle, muscular legs comment . . . I just don't trust myself with that one.

Now back to my afternoon margarita.

i just have to say that i love visiting the locker room!!

it really cheers you up when you have had a miserable day at work!

Thanks guys!!

oh and the mental image on the bike!! :devil:
He is such a complex and mysterious man that it brings out any kind of conversation, whether its about him or not.
I've noticed how half the threads in this forum seem to be about Carmine/Danny and the other half generally end up talking about him at some point. :D I like Mac, I really do, its just that I don't seen to get the urge to talk about him...hmmm...urges. :devil:
Sorry to drag things back to smoking (oh that cursed time difference) but a lot of smokers I know said one of the hard things about quitting is breaking the automatic response of lightin up at certain times so I guess we can 'help' Carmine by finding other things to do for his hands and mouth....

Manicure and flossing? Oh hang on. You don't mean CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER and DEFINETLY CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER do you? Well, only if you insist, mrsfinn. ;) :D
Oooh, flossing. OK, I really do like flossing. But I can think of better things his hands can be used for. :devil: :devil: :devil:
I've noticed how half the threads in this forum seem to be about Carmine/Danny and the other half generally end up talking about him at some point.
true, so true...
it´s quite amazing actually, isn´t it?
His hands could absolutly be put to better use, but I'm partial to what his mouth could do, especially if he used it to CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER. Okay that was not going to fly, but it's the tequila talking.

Dude. She really means that.

I so do.

JDonne, I could write volumes about what the man's mouth should be used for. But alas, the PG-13-o-Meter wouldn't let a single lacivious word in. :(

Yeah, Danny sure does get talked about a lot in this forum. A drama queen on the show, a drama queen here! :lol: It's always All About Danny. :lol:

I do have to say that I really think he's the most interesting character, and the one I enjoy talking about the most. I *think* I'd feel the same even if he wasn't a total hottie, but who knows? I can be shallow that way. :lol: But I do think he's the character with the most development and most complex personality right now.
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