The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • Could have been better

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Hmmm, three movies I can't seem to find. I guess I will have to resort to international sites to get those.

Where did ya order yours?
I got In Enemy Hands from I like them cos they deliver fast and u don't gotta pay postage. Also being in Britain the exchange rate really works to my advantage :D The other three weren't available on Play so I got them off (the US site). Not so great cos you have to pay postage AND wait longer for delivery but is worth it :)
I was reading a book yesterday and it mentioned a resteraunt called Carmine's in Times Square.
If it's the one I've heard about, apparently they have really good pizza. *makes mental note for next time she is in NY*

A good place to order DVDs from is as they are cheap and have free postage. I use them all the time. I've ordered like $200 worth of stuff in the past year, so I can personally vouch for them. I doubt it, but if there's anything you need from Australia (R4), let me know coz I can pick stuff up really cheaply. :)

And, did someone say oral???? :D :lol: :devil:
And, did someone say oral???? :D :lol: :devil:

What? When? Who? And how did I miss that opportunity for smutty remarks??!! (though I have to be careful cos I work in a school and they have all these filters and stuff that pick up naughties which is why I can't see the 'present' that was sent to Mark Wahlburg (sp?), stupid school!! :mad: )
:lol: i just can´t help myself imagining one of us here having an oral exam in english and speaking like danny and the teacher, all confused, would be like "wha? could you repeat that please? slowly this time..."

Dylan , my mind couldn't process any words other than oral exam and Danny. :devil: That was the gist of your comment, right?

Good Morning (well it is for me anyway).

On another vaguely (sp?) Carmne related topic, I was reading a book yesterday and it mentioned a resteraunt called Carmine's in Times Square. Can any New Yorkers confirm is this is true? It was fiction so they could have made it up I guess. If there is such a place I think it would be the perfect venue for a stateside LRG party, if there isn't one of yu guys should open one, you'd make a killing!!

Ah well, back to pretending to work and really thinking happy Danny thoughts...

Yes, there is a Carmine's Restaurant in New York, two actually.

OMG!! Was just struck by a vision and felt it my duty to share it with you.

Here it is: Danny on a motorcycle, a big black shiny motorcycle (bit hazy on makes but it's big, mean and very fast). Pan up from the feet, he's wearing black biker boots, tight black leather trousers (or black jeans for those who don't like leather trous), short black leather biker's jacket (maybe with a couple of studs on) unzipped to reveal a tight white t-shirt (grease stains optional) that clings to his six pack. Gloves are optional and helmet will be carried I think ( when bike not in motion, Safety First) so we can see his face although shades are a must for me in this scenario.

*picks self up off floor* Well that definately does it for me, I'm just sorry my writing falls short of what I can see in my head. Oh well, hope it triggers a few happy thoughts for you guys ;) :devil:
ok, am just watchin "in enemy hands" right now! i had no idea Till Schweiger played there! woo-hoo! that´s already two big bonuses for that movie. :D
hm, Carmine sure gets dirty in that movie...and you all know where that trail of thoughts is leading...
ok, am just watchin "in enemy hands" right now! i had no idea Till Schweiger played there! woo-hoo! that´s already two big bonuses for that movie. :D
hm, Carmine sure gets dirty in that movie...and you all know where that trail of thoughts is leading...

I love your little shower icon that is cute, but instead of the little smily face we need Danny in there.
um, huh, i´ll leave that to everyones imagination! ;)
Ah no, don't do that! It's why god invented Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro :D

Anyone feel like playing with either, coz I have neither on my puter :(
Good Morning! at least in the part of the world I am in! I wake up to 39 missed posts, ranging from Carmine smoking, his nekkidness on 'In Enemy Hands' (renting this evening!), motorcycle Carmine, and oral exam??????? dirty dirty dirty. ;) as the day wears on, I hope to add to the naughtiness that the locker room is famous for!
All this talk about Carmine getting nekkid is overwelming. Not that i'm complaining. We just need to transfer this nekkidness to Danny and we're sorted.

In Enemy Hands sounds really good. I'll have to buy it. Who cares about the actual movie when you have Carmine nekkid! :D
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