The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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He's naked, right? And on top of the sheets? (Well, maybe they could be tangled around his legs. ;) )
Yeah, tangled 'round his left, right and his third leg! :devil: Oh yeah, bring it on! :D

Hey, whaddaya expect, it's friday night over here already, got no place to go but sit behind my puter and I'm in a good mood, ok? :p

I could also picture him sitting in front of the computer, wearing underwear (until he said he had none on), a warmed-up t.v dinner in front of him. So, picture him typing, and trying to eat at the same time, then having a smoke (there's nothing like a smoke after a meal--yes, I smoke too, have tried to quit many times). Poor thing was probably beat!!

And still he found the time to chat with us crazy girls! Now that is dedication! :)
I'm going out later tonight with some coworkers. Perhaps I can make use of some of the Italian I learned from this site if I meet any Italian soldiers. How do you say "your place or mine?" j/k
Udjat, I am going to have to concur with mrsgiovinazzo on your plaything.

I hope that Carmine plans enough time to play with all of us ;) He is going to be one very busy boy :devil:
Good call, Udjat. I suppose an orgy is the only possible way everyone in the Locker Room can get a turn and it is only fair to share. He didn't seem to have any problem pleasing a whole chat room full of groupies the other night, perhaps he possesses the same prowess in person. :devil:
aww, Udjat, thnx for not being all
and sharing!
aww, Udjat, thnx for not being all
and sharing!
Well, start slowly, just with two, then a threesome... oh yeah! :devil: Hey, Two's company, Three's a party baby!*. After that, the more the merrier! Hell, we'll throw in a little bit of Flack... for your pleasure, m'lady! :D. Gah, let's invite all the NY-boys! :devil:

*Quote courtesy of Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert! :D Hee!
He's naked, right?

Christ, Top, you know me...what do you think?!


I hope he goes commando everytime he reads the Locker Room. It should be a rule. ;)

You know, I think he's probably the only guy that reads this thread, ever. :lol:
I bet you're right, Top! Other guys might be jealous that they're not getting that kind of devotion (I mean regular guys) and wish they could incite such lustful thoughts!

I think it is a good idea to have an orgy. But yeah, it would be a good idea to throw in the other guys too, or else some of us would be sitting back, bored!!

Unfortunately, my night out has been cancelled. One of my coworkers fell down the stairs (thank God she is alright) and the others cancelled. Guess I won't be needing my newly-learned Italian phrases after all. Well, I'm going to a movie tomorrow night, which is on the base, so perhaps I can use it then!
I've got a fanfic on It's called Between Two Extremes, dunno if you guys have read it, but anyways, that's it, and I'm writing more later.
Hey Gang!
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks! And a late welcome to Dream. (Sorry I'm late, my comp is in the shop and I'm at a cafe writing tonight)
I was giddy and giggly and blushing about 200 shades of red during that chat. I nearly choked when he said he was commando...the thoughts of that man sitting naked at his computer were just, just, I don't even have the word!

I don't think we should read too much into the "another lifetime" bit. I would like to think he had fun with us.

I put my face in my hands when he said he read the board. it too late to change identities? LOL.J/K
Oh and I'm also willing to sit for one of his portraits...sure, I'll need a trip to my chiropractor afterwards, but it would all be worth it to spend however long it takes to be his "inspiration" for a painting. ;) Then he can return the favour...except for my artistry being with a camera. :devil:
Good to know Carmine has lots of screen time in In Enemy Hands. I'll have to watch it. Also, thanks for bringing that shower picture to mind, that was one tasty pic. :p
You should watch it. There's a definite share of nekkidness-scenes in the movie (poor Carmine shivering from the cold sea water...awww!). Not to mention plenty of showing-off scrumpdidliumptious muscular arms, as Carmine's in charge of hauling around torpedos...YUM :D

OOOOOh I gotta see that! Carmine's got some bod... *swoons, fans herself* but we all know we love him because he's a great ACTOR *ahem yeah right*

God, if only I wasn't jailbait. that's just too damn bad.
I put my face in my hands when he said he read the board. it too late to change identities? LOL.J/K
Why do you think some of us (ie. me) used a different chat name. :lol: :devil:

I'm venturing up to the video store to see if I can get In Enemy Hands today. They didn't have it last time I was there but I know it's definitely released here now.

FYI... still working on getting the site back up. Hopefully this weekend. Poopy to the old server. Will include caps from IEH if I can get it.

EDIT: Psssst. The gallery is back up...
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