The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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OK, going a little OT here, coz let's face it, this thread is really about shower scenes and Carmine going commando. :D

Just read an article on a Dutch news site. Supposedly there's a new anti-smoking campaign in the UK, in a desperate attempt to stop kids from smoking. And instead of stating smoking damages your health, the campaign tries to convince youngsters by saying smoking makes you ugly.

Being a smoker myself, I kinda have to agree with this... although it doesn't seem to have affected Carmine much :lol:

As for me? I'm beyond help :lol: :lol:
LMAO! That was cute.

Although, in contradiction of what the Dutch people are trying to say, I can't help but see this image of Carmine lying in a tangle of sheets, propped against the headboard and dragging on a cigarette...and it's a beautiful sight.
Although, in contradiction of what the Dutch people are trying to say, I can't help but see this image of Carmine lying in a tangle of sheets, propped against the headboard and dragging on a cigarette...and it's a beautiful sight.
::swoooon:: A beautiful sight indeed!

Thanks Bitten, but how the hell am I gonna get any work done today with that image in my head! :p
LMAO! That was cute.

Although, in contradiction of what the Dutch people are trying to say, I can't help but see this image of Carmine lying in a tangle of sheets, propped against the headboard and dragging on a cigarette...and it's a beautiful sight.

He's naked, right? And on top of the sheets? (Well, maybe they could be tangled around his legs. ;) )

I have a feeling the commando comment :lol: will be jockeying with the shower scene discussion from now on.

Pun intended. ;)
did anyone else notice that he said he didn't have a girlfriend? :devil:

Hello??? Of course we noticed. Maybe there hasn't been much discussion of that because we're all lined up around the block in front of his house right now to audition for the role of girlfriend. I imagine that unless he was already involved in a relationship prior to the beginning of CSI:NY he has probably gotten too busy to go out looking for a girlfriend ... not that he'd have to look very far. Sounds like CSI:NY is quite a time commitment. His best bet is probably to start nailing someone who works on the set with him. *sending resume to CBS right now* :D Alternatively, maybe he does have a girlfriend and just didn't want to hear the sound of so many hearts breaking simultaneously if he gave a truthful response. :(

Udjat - liked the anti-smoking campaign, but I think the photo of Carmine is strong evidence to the contrary. I think something along the lines of "Smoking: makes a guy hot as hell" or "Smoking does a body good" would be more accurate. I've never smoked a single cigarette in my entire life, but I might have to take it up based on the evidence you presented.
He's naked, right? And on top of the sheets? (Well, maybe they could be tangled around his legs. ;) )

I have a feeling the commando comment :lol: will be jockeying with the shower scene discussion from now on.

Pun intended. ;)

great picture Top!!! :devil:

yes i definetely think that the fact he was going commando will be around the locker room for a long time yet!! :lol:

as someone pointed out he totally has to have been here cos i read the transcript he said we make him laugh in a good way! :lol:

he probably thinks we are all nuts though! :lol:
Welcome, Dream, another Canuck! I was in the chat as well last night, I thought it was pretty cool for him to take some time to answer questions. I was a little thrown off by the "another lifetime" comment too, he doesn't sound too eager to do another. Oh well, who knows how he really meant it.

I was a little surprised to see he comes in here, but only a little. Most men, I find, whether they are single or not, love positive female attention, so he knows where to come if he needs a little ego boost.

Yup, yup I'm a Canuck, wait did that rhyme? Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians by the way! Anyway I thought it was awesome that he was the first of the CSI casts to do an online chat. I wasn't sure how to take the 'another lifetime' either but I'm thinkin' from the rest of the chat that he was being sarcastic. OR he can only two finger type and couldn't keep up :lol: Either way he appreciates his fans and THAT makes me happy! :)

I wasn't all that surprised that he came in here. Like you said he's man and probably loves positive reinforcement and baby he's got that in SPADES in here! :D
its quite embarassing to think that he reads the threads. I mean i know he can't see us and stuff. *goes red*

He does seem a really nice guy. He seems to have a great sense of humour. He would have to, to read these threads. :)
I mean i know he can't see us and stuff. *goes red*
soooo? we can see him every week on tv and i think he´s not embarassed! :p :lol: ok, maybe our mental pics of him would probably embarass him :devil: but he can´t do anything ´bout that! just stay sexy as always and all is good! :D :devil:
Happy Canada Day to all Canadians here!

He was sarcastic, wasn't he! I like that in a guy, since I'm the same way. Come to think of it, I could see him there towards the end of the chat wiping his brow in relief when told that question would be the last. He probably was tired, and if like most men I know, a two-finger he might have been feeling a little overwhelmed. Who knows. Perhaps that was the reason for the "another lifetime" comment. I could also picture him sitting in front of the computer, wearing underwear (until he said he had none on), a warmed-up t.v dinner in front of him. So, picture him typing, and trying to eat at the same time, then having a smoke (there's nothing like a smoke after a meal--yes, I smoke too, have tried to quit many times). Poor thing was probably beat!! :)
and if like most men I know, a two-finger typist...
God, why do all of you guys think that?! all the guys i know are pretty tech savvy. and even my mom, who´s total ignorant to the internet, can type quite fast when she needs to.

there's nothing like a smoke after a meal
agreed! :D *ducks flying objects from Top*
Most men I know don't type...I guess the ones you know must be more tech-savvy than the ones I know. Most of them barely ever type, so they just use their index fingers. I know a lot of females who type this way too! And some guys who are impressive at typing, but the majority I know aren't. Maybe Carmine's a great typist, but trying to eat, smoke, and come up with answers may have tuckered him out!! Multitasking can be hard sometimes! :)
He was probably giggling like a schoolgirl over us doing the same.

"OMG WE JUST CHATTED WITH CARMINE GIOVINAZZO OMG WHAT A HUNK OMG I WANNA MARRY HIM" either that or he forgot to close it or something...but I'm guessing it was him laughing at us :p
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