The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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The Locker Room is a little like Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

That sounds about right...I was addicted to visiting here before I actually started posting...this room has a not so secret draw...that being the whole shower scene and now commando mental images...keep one very addicted!! :lol:
The Locker Room is a little like Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

Amen to that! :lol:

Welcome to Angelica and whatshername! :D Great to have you guys here. Angelica, the title of your fic sounds familiar...I may have read it. I'll check on Tuesday when I'm on a faster connection.

Having the net at home is so weird. I have a feeling at some point I'm going to come home and post drunk. And by have a feeling, I mean know. :lol:

csi007, congrats on getting gallery back up! I'll be back there when I'm on a faster connection. Again, cool to have it at home, but dial-up? Meh. :lol:
you see, that´s my problem; every time i hear "messer" i think "knife"...and combine that with a shower scene...and well, you get "Psycho" :lol:
not good!

Yikes! lmao That's true/.. but I don't think "Knife" when I hear "Messer", I think "cop"...
Maybe I'm weird, or not especially deep, but I think 'mess' or 'messy.' As in, Danny makes a mess of his career, the cop shooting investigation, etc.

It's kind of obvious, but I wonder if that means it should be discounted. *shrug* I do find the knife double-meaning that Bitten has pointed out interesting.
Well helloooo CanadianCSIFan hope you had a lovely Canada...I didn't do much...just wished the sun would come out! Thanks for the welcome...I'm thoroughly enjoying the locker room...I should have signed on earlier! :D

And just as a sidenote every time I hear 'Messer' I think DANG HOT and umm...needs to be in the shower...but maybe that's just me. :devil:
We all have the Carmine love here, and I am in his age range so its not like I am lusting after some old man.


Yeah, I'm in his age range too, but I'm on the other side (a couple years older). But at least with Danny I can feel I'm not lusting after some young boytoy, and I can feel work is where I get in trouble for "flirting" (okay, hitting on) the younger guys, one as young as 20! Young guys love attention as much as the older ones (who seem to like the reassurance that they "still have it"). So I can totally see Carmine coming here.
Actually, Danny/Carmine is a little "old" compared to what normally turns my head! :cool:
ok so i just saw the baseball ep last night!

Danny and baseball = hot! :devil:

although when i said why doesn't he take his shirt off i got weird looks from the family!! :lol: that was one of those things i mean't to keep in my head! :lol:
ok so i just saw the baseball ep last night!

Danny and baseball = hot! :devil:

although when i said why doesn't he take his shirt off i got weird looks from the family!! :lol: that was one of those things i mean't to keep in my head! :lol:

I said the same thing while watching it yesterday :lol:

You got that reaction too then? Nice to know I'm not the only one getting weird looks when coming out with random comments while watching CSI.

Although don't mention the shower scene obsession. Thats a one way ticket to the loony bin. And yes the straight-jackets are quite fun but not too comfortable :devil:
I said the same thing while watching it yesterday :lol:

You got that reaction too then? Nice to know I'm not the only one getting weird looks when coming out with random comments while watching CSI.

Although don't mention the shower scene obsession. Thats a one way ticket to the loony bin. And yes the straight-jackets are quite fun but not too comfortable :devil:

yeah i don't think i could go to the looney bin cos then i wouldn't be able to watch CSI NY! :devil:

and its good too know that i am not the only making random Danny comments while watching the show! which i think we all do here right guys???? :lol:
and its good too know that i am not the only making random Danny comments while watching the show! which i think we all do here right guys????:lol:
yup! but usualy everyone around me agrees. well, that´s also maybe ´cause i watch it with my friends; not my family! :D
I usually only watch it with my sister, who is used to my comments about Danny because she is the same when it comes to Mac.

But I foolishly watched yesterdays episode with the 'rents and the comment just slipped out. Makes me thankful that I didn't watch Tanglewood with them. I would have been hiding behind the couch and biting my fist by the time it came to the final scene of the episode :lol:
I watch it alone because my sister is not interested in it (hard to understand, right?! ;)) and my parents have to wait until they can watch it in German (they are not that good in English) so I can make my comments and no one thinks I am crazy. :D

So I have Danny and Flack just for myself!! :D :p
:lol: i never get into it that much. the farest i go is a really stupid grin (much like this one ->:D)

it´s definitly the worst when i watch it with my friend Nika; she´s pretty hyperactive and everytime Danny appears on the screen she starts jumping all over me screaming "man, i wanna [censored by the PG13-o-meter] that" or just drools and screams random PG13 rated stuff.

she´s fun!
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