The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Did Danny actually cry in On the Job? I've only seen bits and pieces of the episode......

Oh btw for those who don't know me, I LOVE ANGST. :devil:

Minnie - Danny is on the verge of tears in On the Job, but never actually cries. Although, if he let them, the tears probably would have fallen. If he would have cried, it probably would have caused me to start crying (and I'm surprised I didn't cry.)
I almost cried in that scene and also when Danny was explaining his side to Hillborn. When Hillborn leaves and he's sitting there by himself is one of the saddest scenes. I wanted to give him a hug.
i was like, "SONOFA- BISCUIT EATER!"

i was so pissed off because he had this hurt look on his face... and nobody was there to comfort him!!

..haha.. kinda like when my friend Ryan threw my friend Shawn's candy away... that was funny... BUT THIS WASN'T!! i cried because i was angry! (about Danny, not the candy)

(sorry... got sidetracked...)
ahem, "messer" means "knife" in german. that´s why.

i haven´t seen "on the job" yet...:(

I knew that too...they sorta imply that Danny is Italian but with a "German" last name. Interesting.
I believe we had a huge discussion concerning his name and the fact that it's German for "knife" in the original Locker Room thread. It was a bit confusing although some thought that perhaps it's more of a symbolic thing...Danny as a knife...knives are generally thought of as dangerous because they're weapons but they really have a duality because knives are also used as tools. Perhaps that's how the writers see Danny? Like a double edged sword, to use the cliche in context.
^ Not a shabby idea. You'll have to forgive someone like me who missed out on the first locker room.
^ Not a shabby idea. You'll have to forgive someone like me who missed out on the first locker room.

It's all good. Several of us long-time Locker Room Groupies are English majors so we love over-analyzing things like that. And we love to rehash it so if anyone has any ideas to put forth, feel free.
I like the idea of duality concerning Danny's last name and remember the discussion from the old Locker Room, after I read dylan's post I was pondering on his first name. Danny or Daniel is a significant Biblical figure. He was thrown in the lion's den for refusing to follow the laws of the king, by praying three times a day. Daniel emerged unscathed from the incident. Any thoughts?

Hey everyone,
I so gotta get internet at home, I saw On The Job on Saturday and had to wait til now to post! Argh! I loved the episode but it broke my heart, my poor baby, I just wanted to give him a big hug!
On a slightly different, although still Danny related note I nearly had a fight with my family at the weekend cos I found out none of them like Danny at all. Grrr :mad: I wanted to shake them and yell "But he's so sweet and vunerable and DAMN HOTT!!" but I refrained cos they already think I'm crazy.

So to annoy them I plan to campaign for lots of Dannyness in the next season, including the infamous shower scene.

*picks up handmade placard, wanders round in circle in front of writer's offices and chants* "What do we want?...Shower scene!" "When do we want it?... NOW!!!"
when the were sitting in the cafe i wanted to cry!

Really? I was hoping that Flack would stop Danny's whining by leaning over and planting one on him. And then that they'd make out for the next twenty minutes. Plot? Yeah, I guess they could have resolved that, too. ;)

JDonne, interesting point about his first name. But who would be the king? Mac? Hilborne/authority in general? I'm not sure...Danny's main conflict seems to be with Mac and really does seem like Danny's in the wrong. Not totally, and we can sympathize with him, but Danny's definitely not in the right. Still, it's interesting to consider some of the parallels.
I can see both points, but I think Mac did the best he could do! Mac made a very good point, that Danny did in fact shot wild. :)
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