The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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i would just go with the simple stuff cause if you overload it with gushy stuff he might just think your a freak. i commented on his accent which is very hot...yum.
Make a list of the people who want to be on the e-card, think up a message and I'm sure we can find someone to send it. ;)
Someone started a birthday thread for Carmine last week and I told that person she could restart it tomorrow (on the day of his actual birthday). We don't want to flood the forum, and honestly, individual e-mails might be best anyway. It could be a mess to organize and maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but e-cards can be a pain to access. Just keep it short and sweet and I'm sure he won't mind a few birthday e-mails. There are probably worse things than to have a bunch of well-wishes on your birthday. ;)
Getting back to Danny, when did he catch your eye? Was it the first episode or later on? I noticed him right away, but I've heard others say it wasn't until later on. What made you notice him?
"On the Job" is the one where Danny got caught in the gun fight in the subway.
Mine was Hush. I was aware of him before that, but it was that episode that made me want to start watching everyweek. That, and it was just an all-around good episode. But, keep in mind, I'd only been watching since January. Before that, I didn't watch CSI at ALL and wasn't even aware that there was a CSI:NY. There's good promotion for ya.
CSI: NY has never been promoted enough, not nearly as much as CSI (hey, look, a preview for the #1 show on television at every commercial break! Cause no one knows to watch... :rolleyes: :lol: ) and Miami (Glitz! Sun! Sex! Watch us!). I don't get why NY hasn't been promoed in the same way.

"Hush" was a good episode, and a fun one--it showed both Danny and Aiden's playful sides and their friendship. The looks on their faces when they walked into the forniphilia (sp?) party? Classic. :lol:
That's the thing...Danny could easily come off as too whiny or too bitchy, but he doesn't (at least, not for most of us).

IIRC, Top, you were the one who said the man needed a Midol. :lol:

As for when Danny caught my eye, it was quite a few episodes in. My first love is Gary Sinise and he was the main reason I continued watching the show, even through the not-so-good episodes.
IIRC, Top, you were the one who said the man needed a Midol. :lol:

In "The Dove Commission," he seriously did. Aiden should have smacked him around--he was really being a brat in that episode. :lol: But that's the only time he's been irritating IMO, and it did get explained at the end of the episode, for better or worse.

As for when Danny caught my eye, it was quite a few episodes in. My first love is Gary Sinise and he was the main reason I continued watching the show, even through the not-so-good episodes.

I'm glad they re-ran some of those episodes, though I pretty much liked the show from the beginning, even through those dark episodes. But it was interesting to see how the show has changed since then. I still miss those cute cheesy blond highlights. :lol:
Getting back to Danny, when did he catch your eye? Was it the first episode or later on? I noticed him right away, but I've heard others say it wasn't until later on. What made you notice him?

I noticed him right away, actually. Although, like Bitten, I was mainly watching forGary Sinise at that point. But Danny grew on me, and slowly weaseled his way into my brain.
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