The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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It is a very natural smile, like it's real and not something he's doing on cue. I think that makes it even more likable. It fits Danny, too, as his emotions are very spontaneous, to say the least.
I agree his smile is so natural, I love it when he smiles, it makes me smile. :lol:
I'm glad they re-ran some of those episodes, though I pretty much liked the show from the beginning, even through those dark episodes. But it was interesting to see how the show has changed since then. I still miss those cute cheesy blond highlights. :lol:

I didn't mind the darker episodes either. I first tuned in because it was CSI and I was prepared to give it a go even though I didn't really like the first spin off. I occasionally watch Miami but it just never grabs my attention like LV and NY.
I don't understand the people who refuse to watch it because of the 'there can only be one CSI show' attitude I've seen sometimes.

Do you think the longer, blonder hair made Danny look more healthy as well? Just seen a re-run of 'A Man a Mile' and Danny just looked more 'bright eyed and busy tailed'.
Do you think the longer, blonder hair made Danny look more healthy as well? Just seen a re-run of 'A Man a Mile' and Danny just looked more 'bright eyed and busy tailed'.
I also saw `A Man a Mile' last night and OMG I have to agree, this might sound silly but he looked to me anyway a bit more radiant, maybe it`s his tan with blond hightlights. :D
Ah, the smile. One of the best things about him in my opinion. I love that smile!
I pretty much die every time I see the opening credits just cause of that smile.
Getting back to Danny, when did he catch your eye? Was it the first episode or later on? I noticed him right away, but I've heard others say it wasn't until later on. What made you notice him?

I think for me it was the very last scene of Tanglewood. I hadn't really noticed him before ( :confused: what was up with me, I know not!). But in that last scene, he didn't even need to speak to show what kind of turmoil he was in so kudos to Carmine for his portrayal... The rest as they say is history and I was hooked on Danny! :) Thank goodness Channel 5 is re-running csi:ny so I can catch up on His Hotness' early episodes.
I have to agree with all the posts about his smile. It's a big spontaneous grin that lights up his eyes, like the smile he has while Aiden is waiting for Mac to let her work on the skull in Creatures of the night (?). It's the big smile they show in the credits and it make me go all warm inside! :D

Talking of shower, "A man a mile" was shown here on Tuesday and I'd like to say "Dear CSI:NY writers, I would like to let you know that you have missed 3 or 4 golden opportunities to chuck Danny into the shower in "A man a mile". First they go have a look at the body, then back into the tunnel to collect evidence, then later on to look for the inhaler then the ring. Now that tunnel looked mighty dusty and I am sure that our poor Danny was in need of a shower (or 4). I would like to impress upon you that I am talking hygiene here, plain and simple, nothing else at all. Yours, st!" :lol:
^They have missed plenty of opportunities to throw him into the shower. :mad: What, is someone going to have to chuck him in the river before the writers will throw him into the shower? :lol:

"Tanglewood" added a lot of depth and complexity to his character, but I think he was already pretty nuanced before that. Because Danny's so emotional, a lot of what he says and does gives insight into his character. Just one of the many reasons I like him so much.

He did look healthier with the blond highlights. I agree with what someone else said, that his skin was tanner, too. Maybe that was the problem (in the producers' minds)--he looked more California than New York. With the pale skin and the light brown hair, he looks like a New York boy that doesn't get to see the sun too often. :lol: Which fits, given that a lot of the season took place during the fall/winter.
^I was just thinking the same thing, Top, about how the highlights and tan were great but the pale complexion and brown hair make Danny look more New York.

Ah, I'll take him any way!
Lovin' the pic thingy under your name tala! What a smile. 'Scuse us while I go faint....
I thought Danny was cute from the first time I saw him but Tanglewood was I first really started paying attention. Danny seemed to get 10x hotter because he became real, from that point. It made me realize what a great job Carmine does in portraying Danny and exactly how good CSI:New York was as a show.
Tanglewood is still my favorite. That's when I really became a Danny girl. That scene in Mac's office, where Danny looks so freaking guilty. Yeah, love that.
The smile kills, doesn't it? *looks all over the place for a drool bucket*

It's from a press launch of NY, I think. My friends knickknack and spectator conspired and did a manip of the photo. Replaced Vanessa's head with mine so it looks like Carmine and Gary have their arms around me! Then they included it in their birthday present for me. Those nuts. Love em.

But that's not one picture I'm about to post here. ;)
I dont know what the episode is called when I first noticed Danny, but they were investigating the bloke that fell out the window trying to get at some chocolate. It was his accent that first interested me. Then his face. Then the rest of him. Ahem. :D
Must...keep...comments...clean...must...keep...mind...out...of...gutter. *MaggieThatchernekkidonacoldday, MaggieThatchernekkidonacoldday* *Deep breaths* That did it. Where was I?

Oh yeah,my fave ep so far, cos I havent seen them all, was the one where they were in the sushi place. Danny cracked me up.

I was soooo looking forward to Man a Mile the other night cos I heard Danny had some good lines in it and was part of the main investigation of the episode, and I was that knackered I fell asleep after 10 mins. I'd been looking forward to it all week. Dammit. :mad:
'A Man a Mile' was kind of boring, but Danny did look beautiful in it and he and Mac butted heads a few times on how to conduct the investigation. But the main case was just so-so, IMO.

The ep you're talking about is "The Fall"--it's also the one with Flack's mentor in it. They got double mileage out of that title. :lol:

I liked the sushi place ep, "Grand Master," a lot too. :D
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