The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Great, bambam! :) I'm sure he'll appreciate it!

I also wonder how Aiden's leaving is going to affect Danny. If she just up and leaves, I think he'll be okay, but if she dies? Danny's her closest friend. He's going to take it very hard. And we know how Danny is when it comes to his emotions--they're all right there, right at the surface. I kind of wonder if he'll end up falling apart at some point during the season. He's just so emotionally fragile that I could see that really taking a toll on him.
Good luck--I hope he writes back! Don't feel bad if he doesn't because they're so busy filming the show, but hopefully he will. At any rate, I'm sure he'll appreciate the birthday wishes. Is anyone else planning on sending him a birthday e-mail? It might be a nice thing to do.
I think he's the most relatable character on the show. His emotions are so close to the surface and he reacts to things like a normal person would, not like Super Cool CSI Person would. Danny is so human, so vulnerable, so fallable-it just makes him more interesting to watch because last time I checked, none of us were perfect.

Yep, totally agree with that. Although I grew to love all the team, Danny was the one that made an impression straight away. I read a complaint by someone once, where they said that Danny has too much screen time whereas I don't think he has any more than the others. He has a presence which you can't ignore so when he's on screen you know about it and you remember him even when he's not there.
You know what? The first time I wrote to him, I told him that I could never see another actor playing his part, and I really truly believe it. Danny's pretty in touch with his feminine side and very emotional and Carmine really knows how to get that across. He's good at bringing emotions through. And I remember that scene in On the Job where Mac started to bitch him out and he had tears in his eyes. That's when I was like "Damn, he's good." It's not easy to just try to get all emotional on cue like that.
send him a birthday e-card and make a list of people its from (just an idea)

That's a good idea. If everyone sends individual emails his inbox might get jammed up and we don't want to risk giving him a heart attack on his birthday or anything. :)
So, does anyone know where to get a good ecard?
Yep, totally agree with that. Although I grew to love all the team, Danny was the one that made an impression straight away. I read a complaint by someone once, where they said that Danny has too much screen time whereas I don't think he has any more than the others. He has a presence which you can't ignore so when he's on screen you know about it and you remember him even when he's not there.

I agree completely! He may have a running storyline while some of the others don't yet, but he doesn't have a lot more screentime than anyone else. It's just that he makes an impression. When he's on screen you can't help but notice him. He commands attention in a way that none of the others really do. Not that the others don't have charisma--they're all great--but Danny has a special spark. There's just so much life in him.

You know what? The first time I wrote to him, I told him that I could never see another actor playing his part, and I really truly believe it. Danny's pretty in touch with his feminine side and very emotional and Carmine really knows how to get that across. He's good at bringing emotions through. And I remember that scene in On the Job where Mac started to bitch him out and he had tears in his eyes. That's when I was like "Damn, he's good." It's not easy to just try to get all emotional on cue like that.

No, I don't imagine it is easy. Danny in some ways must be a tough character to play in that his emotions are always so close to the surface. He can be fine one moment, and then upset or lashing out the next. And in "On the Job," he was pretty much devastated throughout the entire episode, and it only mounted as things looked worse and worse for him. Danny just kind of crumbled, but it was subtle and mostly conveyed without words. The only time Danny lashed out was with Flack when he said he felt like he was being hung. Otherwise, he was pretty much tearily trying to get his story across and not understanding why that isn't helping him.
Dude. How did we get on serious Danny stuff? Do I have to quit school to keep you on the more interesting Danny-topics, like his hot bod? J/K! :)
Yes, props definitely go to Carmine for his portrayal of Danny. I honestly can't see any other actor playing Danny, and I don't think you can say that about every role on television, or even in the CSI shows. The actors are all usually high caliber, but Carmine does stand out. He's got a hell of a character to play, but if he wasn't up to the task I don't think Danny would be half so appealing. There are plenty of men who couldn't have carried the scenes where Danny was close to tears in "On the Job," but Carmine made it seem real and believable. The situation was tearing Danny apart, and he conveyed it so powerfully.

I agree. I can't see anyone else being able to give the character the same depth that Carmine does. Danny is a complex character, and a lot of actors would not be able to make him both so dark and so likable at the same time. Carmine does an excellent job of keeping the character interesting, and keeping us guessing about what exactly is going on inside his head.

And yes, I nipped off a birthday email to Carmine. Told him not to do anything I wouldn't do. So...he should feel free to do pretty much anything he wants. :devil:
^That's the thing...Danny could easily come off as too whiny or too bitchy, but he doesn't (at least, not for most of us). Yeah, it doesn't hurt that he's good looking, but there are plenty of attractive characters that I've hated in the past because they have an irritating attitude. I think what saves Danny from that is how human he is--yeah, he can be a jerk, yeah he can be difficult, but it's easy to see where he's coming from.

The complexity makes him fascinating to watch. There's more to Danny than meets the eyes, and that makes me want to watch him, want to figure him out and find out what's going on with him. I like a good puzzle, and a complex man. ;)

Dude. How did we get on serious Danny stuff? Do I have to quit school to keep you on the more interesting Danny-topics, like his hot bod? J/K! :)

The Locker Room's back, baby! :eek: :D ;)
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