The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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i do aswell because csi vegas there always cracking jokes but its not often on miami and ny they crack jokes so i think thats what makes is sound real
I noticed Danny twice actually. I noticed him initially in the "MIA/NY" crossover, there was something confident and intriguing about him, of all the characters he seemed the most true to life, the one I identified with the easiest, and then for some odd reason I missed him in the first two episodes of NY. I can't understand how I missed him in "Blink", because unlike many I actually liked the dark and gritty nature of the episode, but "Creatures of the Night" I don't remember at all, and don't think I've seen it since the original airing. Then he smiled in "American Dreamers," and I was a goner. It was the confidence that attracted me to Danny initially the physical came later.


That smile slays me. I remember noticing it in the opening credits for "Blink" and saying, "Wow." People always look nicer when they smile, and there are few ugly smiles, but a truly beautiful smile is rarer than you'd think. It has to be genuine and honest. There's something very open about his smile, very warm. I like it; it fits Danny very well because Danny's emotions and feelings are an open book.
Yeah, he has that kind of smile that just makes you want to smile right back at him. There really are few things more attractive than a full on, genuine smile like that.
i like gregs smile aswell i was viewing a website and i saw it and i just felt like kissing the picture. i also like greg and dannys sense of humor :D
His smile is divine.

Well, I'm kinda relieved to see some discussion of our favorite character's character and not just his physical attributes

You should have seen the first Locker there was a healthy balance between intelligent discussion and naughty talk. *Sighs wistfully*
Yeah, the first Locker Room is something else. Lust, deep thought and just fun conversations. Just what you'd expect from a bunch of girls, well, hanging out in a Locker Room and talking about a hot guy. :lol:
You should have seen the first Locker there was a healthy balance between intelligent discussion and naughty talk. *Sighs wistfully*

Keep hope alive Bitten, the new season will no doubt restore the Locker Room to its former glory, an injection of new mesmerizing storylines and a fresh crop of screen caps to replace the overused old is just what we need to stimulate our minds as well as the libido. Yes, I can smell the perfect blend of Danny character dissection and Danny body admiration just over the horizon. Patience will grant you your wish.

Or not . . . but I remain eternally optimistic. :D

the smile makes me feel... HAPPY

Same here! Maybe it's because we know his character doesn't smile very often, and so when he's smiling it makes us happy to see HIM happy... I dunno, complicating it a bit... I'm just happy when he smiles.

Same here! Maybe it's because we know his character doesn't smile very often, and so when he's smiling it makes us happy to see HIM happy... I dunno, complicating it a bit... I'm just happy when he smiles.

I think a lot of it is the fact that, when he smiles, it always seems spontaneous. Like he wasn't supposed to smile, but couldn't help himself.
It is a very natural smile, like it's real and not something he's doing on cue. I think that makes it even more likable. It fits Danny, too, as his emotions are very spontaneous, to say the least.
It's just really genuine looking all the time, like he really means it. That, and I love the half smile/smirk. Especially on the opening credits. I kinda smile just thinking about it.
That, and I love the half smile/smirk. Especially on the opening credits.

That always makes me smile like a lunatic. Just thinking anbout it makes me smile. Like right now. Sitting at my desk with a goofy grin on my face.
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