The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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hey flutterby i wouldnt worry about it, im a good bit older than you and i'd be jumping around like a 4 year old, and believe me it would'nt be a pretty site.

Somehow i cant believe that, we worship at the feet of one who exudes gorgeousness, and only gorgeous people do that. So there.
Italians are my downfall. Especially if they speak the language. You whisper to me in Italian, and I will do anything you want me to do. :devil:


Danny wouldnt have to whisper italian :devil: in he wouldnt have to whisper....just a look....maybe a smile...and his plaything and completly at his disposal to do with as he so wishes.

*mucky mind goes into serious overdrive*


Nope cant drag my mind back....Im an really...look theres my halo, its round my ankles with my pants... :D
Nope cant drag my mind back....Im an really...look theres my halo, its round my ankles with my pants... :D

Too funny. You remind me of myself. :D My mind is always in the gutter. Always. In fact, my mind is in the gutter so much that I have pitched a tent down there. Stop by sometime. I have a big screen TV, with all Danny all the time. And a bathtub full of grape jello, just in case he drops by and wants to play. :devil:
You may have pitched a tent but i built a house, i likes a little luxury when im slumming it in the gutter!

Well it would have to be a loooooooong shower to clean my mind believe me....
not got a clue, but it sounds messy.......oh well there goes my mind/halo/pants again. Hmmm messy=need to shower.....bring on the jello!
Messy Messer? :lol: Well, there you go. It's even in his name. The man needs a shower. ;)
dont he just.and i reiterate whats been said before (i think) he soooo needs us lot to be there to help.
i should sooo go to bed....a)i have to be up at 5 am to be at my first call for 6.15am, and b)if im in bed i can have my wicked way with danny in my dreams

but i wanna stay here too.....oh decisions pg-13-o-meter approved smut about danny, or blow the meter and go aaaaalll the way in my head...what to do what to do :devil:
thats a good reason to go to bed :lol:poor you having to get up so early i got the day off tomorrow so i can have a lie in :lol:
:mad: thats sooo not fair.i dont get a day off till next weekend. thats really pants.big grey saggy holey pants.
and so to bed girls i go.think dann...i mean happy thoughts....


Stuff it, think happy, danny SHOWER thoughts....

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