The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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i wait for replys on here and when a mod replys i think am in trouble :lol:

Hey, do I look scary or something? :lol: Mods have fun here, too. :D

That's cool, flutterby! His site is official, despite the fact that it says it's unofficial, or he wouldn't be associated directly with it like he is.
I have plenty of blonde moments. :lol: My good co-mod helped me out with one at the beginning of this thread. :lol:

Have you written Carmine, bambam?
I so went hyperactive.I couldnt stop blathering about it to my boss and she just turns round and says it will have been a secretary or something. she's such a fart sometimes.i couldnt stop rockering on about how hot he is to her.she doesnt understand, as she isnt into men really.saynomore.
so frustrated that i had noone to drool over him with, then i found you wonderful ladies. Yay for me! Newfriendsnewfriends! With good taste too!
Oh, no worries, it's not a secretary flutterby. If it was, the replies would be more formal. His style is very relaxed.

bambam, you can just write him at if that's easier.
i clicked on contact, spent about half an hour thinking and typing something suitably witty, pressend send and it redirected me to my hotmail account. and i lost the original message. pants. so i ended up with the rushing a message. mind you it worked so i aint complaining. Thing is though, its my boyfriends email account so the name comes up as phil....oops! he must of been a bit freaked out. giggly fangirly type mail from a phil?! thankfully i put my own name at the end of the mail!
:lol: Well, he probably has guy fans, too. Though signing your name was definitely a good move. :)

what should i write tho?

Whatever you want! He seems to like feedback about the episodes. There's a thread (now locked because it hit 1000 posts) entitled 'E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo'--that's got a lot of e-mails in it that other people wrote him. That might be helpful to you.
thanks alot

-------- Original Message --------

> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 8:13 PM
> To:
> Subject:'Lo Mr G, or Mr G's site blokey/lady
> Mega site.Quick q,is this the official site?I'm getting conflicting answers.And Im havin a blonde moment.Cos it says its unofficial.Love to know.Love that tatt btw.Keep up the good work Mr G, CSI:NY is cushty.Wont rabble on no more, sure you have stuff to do.Hope to hear back from you if you can.Take care and all that jazz.x.x.x

thats wot he writ, and also wot i writ. hope it helps. cant you just tell it was an exasperated rush job!!!

Oh well. Ive said it before and Ill say it again, cos it cant be repeated enough......

ill say something about the show in the morning my brain will be less blonde then even tho i am blonde ill post what i sent to him
Everyone wants a Danny shower scene. It's good for the environment, promotes cleanliness and healthy living, and it's good for the spotted owls. Help the endangered spotted owls, put Danny in the shower! Maybe we could get animal rights groups in on this. :cool:
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