The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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i think i'd just die if i had a reply from him, im lucky my deputy manager likes him as well so would not be a prob if i kept rambling on in work about him, cause i do :lol: but they would be able to shut me up if he replied.
Let us know as soon as you hear from him too.
Random carmine q. can anyone tell if he bites his nails? i have a thing about mens hands....hate bitten nails so much.just wondered.and re the smoking thing, he looks sexy as hell smoking....i have a thing for watching men smoke.strange i know but there we go!
we all have our fetishes. i kinda felt sorry for my boss cos she couldnt escape my witterings because we work out in the community, and she's the driver so its just me and her.shes got me all morning tomorrow and now i have pics of danny on my phone to drool over...poor her, lucky me!

I think we have strength in numbers. We should all go to the studios and steal carmine until the writers give us our shower scene.

Hold on, if we steal carmine, we dont need the writers.Now theres a thought....

*Rubs hands with glee* Whos with me?
I know the feeling. I had a reply waiting in my inbox this morning too. I had forgotten that, when I emailed him, it went from my account at work. And I logged on this morning, and there it was. Sitting in my inbox, just as pretty as you please. I nearly hyperventilated. My cubucle neighbor was looking at me funny. And the conversation went like this:

Her: "Kimmie, what's that look for?"

Me: ""

Her: "The guy on your desktop? The hot one?"

Me: "Yep. That would be the one."

Her: "Oh, that is just....Stop drooling and get to work.

She is so wicked.
I wrote him twice...I never got a response from the first one because I think he was doing that press in Mexico and Venezuela at the time..the second, I did get a response and I was pretty excited to see it sitting in my inbox. I didn't really expect to get one.

I didn't mention anything about a shower scene in mine eheh..although I was very tempted too :devil:
well theres a thing. antonio banderas was just on the telly in the bath. wheres our damn shower scene!
He just thanked me for the email. And answered a question about the cat. No big thing. But it got me all excited. Although, it does tickle me that he doesn't capitalize anything in his emails. :D
Thats a lazy thing, a man thing. Im so glad that im not the only one with a passion for italian stallions.well danny anyways
anyone would have thought i was 4 not 24 the way i reacted. thank god no one was around. what they would have been thinking to see a girl in a nurses uniform sat on a wall staring at her phone with her jaw in her lap shaking and squeaking!
hey flutterby i wouldnt worry about it, im a good bit older than you and i'd be jumping around like a 4 year old, and believe me it would'nt be a pretty site.
Thats a lazy thing, a man thing. Im so glad that im not the only one with a passion for italian stallions.well danny anyways

Italians are my downfall. Especially if they speak the language. You whisper to me in Italian, and I will do anything you want me to do. :devil:
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