The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Hey Dream, aren't you and the other half of your brain kmfx (definitely not implying that either of you are half-wits as it is your claim that you share a brain) about due for your little get together? If that is this weekend, please be sure to visit the Locker Room so we can enjoy the benefits of your collective wit simultaneously. :D
What tipped your hat, tuesday? IIRC, you weren't a fan to begin with.

He grew on me. Guess I just decided to go with the flow instead of fighting it. ;)

And I'll admit it, I find him attractive.

And mostly? You guys conviced me. :lol:
Hey Dream, aren't you and the other half of your brain kmfx (definitely not implying that either of you are half-wits as it is your claim that you share a brain) about due for your little get together? If that is this weekend, please be sure to visit the Locker Room so we can enjoy the benefits of your collective wit simultaneously.

There was definitely no offense taken and yes it is so very soon that I see her!! On monday to be exact! We will have try our damndest to get on here and say you can experience the 'collective wit' :lol:
OK..a good setting for a shower scene: start of new season, Danny gets all hot and sweaty from moving boxes, etc., to the new building, and needs a shower! Good excuse there!

Thanks for the info on Zyban, Udjat. Still not sure if I'm ready to quit yet, but I will keep it in mind. Out of all the people I know who took it, only one seemed to have a good experience...others seemed to have experienced extreme depression, paranoia, violent tendencies. Scary. I will have to research it first.

Welcome all newbies!
I like all the tummy photos very very much! And any excuse possible to get our Danny into the shower works for me! I like Ookpik's idea all because you'd have to be foolish to be moving heavy boxes dressed in a suit! Perhaps a tank top? Perhaps topless! Ooh the possibilities!
'nother newbie here...just wanted to drop in and say hi. I've been lurking around here for a few days and finally decided to join in the fun...and by the looks of things, you guys know how to have fun! :devil: Can't wait to get started on that...*cough* shower scene! *cough*

I have a few icons posted on the icon thread, and the link in my signature is to a fanfic I'm working on, which some of you may have read. Feel free to check them out (or ignore them completely :D ).

^^ I'm reading that's pretty darn good IMHO :) Sweet and innocent, a little bit of a step away from our raunchy fantasy Danny! :devil: ;)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it :D My fics tend to be of the sweet and cute kind, or they'll swing completely in the other direction. Haven't done a naughty one with Danny yet, but I may find the inspiration for one here, hehehe :devil:
^^ LoL Oh yeah if there is any place to get inspiration for a naughty Danny fic it's here... MrsG apparently has one coming that we are all waiting for! Personally I don't do graphic naughty, I do suggestive naughty... :devil: I like leaving stuff to the imagination. ;)

I like sweet and cute...I'm trying a humoresque one now and just waiting for an idea for more... :lol:
"Rebound" is your's, isn't it? I've read what you have posted so far, and I'm really interested in where it's going. But I know what you mean about waiting for a new idea...going through that a little myself. Guess we just need a good muse :)
OK..a good setting for a shower scene: start of new season, Danny gets all hot and sweaty from moving boxes, etc., to the new building, and needs a shower! Good excuse there!

Been reading my latest fic, Ookpik?

Well now that you all mention it, I sorta DO have another fic idea. It's on time delay until I get the latest costume run done. 3 costumes. 4 weeks. I'd suggest someone shoot me but that'd bring out the CSI's.
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