The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I love all your guys stories; I'm quite the frequent flyer over at There's something else I came here for though to discuss with all of you guys. I've been thinking...I know, horrible, right? I've decided that I'm a little intimidated by Carmine. I don't even know why either! He's done/said anything to make me think like that. I was just thinking about it on my way home today and I was like "Damn..I'm a little scared of the guy." I just can't place it though. I know, it's weird. :lol:
I just watched it. Darn right he looked good! Looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with!

OK, change that. In the lab coat, he looks like the kind of guy you want to throw onto the lab table and have your way with. In casual clothes (such as a wife beater and khakis...I can pretend that's Danny when he's not at work) he looks like the kind you want to throw onto the hood of a car and have your way with.

Not a bad way to go! As long as he's there. Hehe. :devil:

Oh, so what, I can dream, can't I?

^ Haha, you sure can!

Saw German Danny tonight! I was at the final German hangarfest in the town where I work (I work on an international air force base--the Germans are leaving forever and had their final Summerfest in an airplane hangar) and the place was filled with locals, lots of Germans, some Italians. This German guy at the next table reminded me of Danny! Short brown hair, glasses, little bit of facial scruff. Thought he was adorable (they wore their uniforms, so I knew he was German). He was drinking a beer with his friends. Lots of cute young guys there! I think I know where I'll go on my next-vacation-after-next-next vacation (Toronto next month; New York next year, Germany after that!)
I love all your guys stories; I'm quite the frequent flyer over at There's something else I came here for though to discuss with all of you guys. I've been thinking...I know, horrible, right? I've decided that I'm a little intimidated by Carmine. I don't even know why either! He's done/said anything to make me think like that. I was just thinking about it on my way home today and I was like "Damn..I'm a little scared of the guy." I just can't place it though. I know, it's weird. :lol:

What do you think it is about him? Could it have anything to do with Danny? Because Danny is kind of prickly and touchy and I can see him being intimidating. As for Carmine, I don't know...once a man walks into a chatroom full of women and announces he's not wearing any underwear, it kind of takes away the intimidation factor for me. :lol:

I like these belly button pictures. :devil:

See you in September, dylan! zelda, welcome to the Locker Room! :D
I love all your guys stories; I'm quite the frequent flyer over at

Well thank you I'm glad you enjoy them...we have a blast writing them! :D

"Damn..I'm a little scared of the guy."

Hmm I wonder about that...I can see you think it's a Danny thing or a Carmine thing that scares you? :)
I love all your guys stories; I'm quite the frequent flyer over at

Well thank you I'm glad you enjoy them...we have a blast writing them! :D

Gotta second that one!! Reading,'s all good :)

And I was thinkin' 'bout the intmidation thing...wonder if it has to do with those arms of his...

Oh, hey, and thanks for the welcome! I feel at home already :D
What do you think it is about him? Could it have anything to do with Danny? Because Danny is kind of prickly and touchy and I can see him being intimidating. As for Carmine, I don't know...once a man walks into a chatroom full of women and announces he's not wearing any underwear, it kind of takes away the intimidation factor for me. :lol:

Actually I was a little afraid after I read that part of the webchat. The fact that he actually comes on to the website and knows what we all want is a little scary.

And also incredibly hot :devil:
Nah. I don't think it's Danny that intimidates me. It's definitely Carmine. I can't place it though. Sometimes, he just comes across as cocky and I was looking at some of those pictures from Venezuela and he looked so damn cranky and It was probably the circumstances, but man, I'm just reallykindascaredofhim. :lol:
^ I thought that too. He looked like he didn't want to be there at all in some of them.
:lol: Look at us, now we are talking about his pesonality!

Aw, who really cares what he's like as a person? Not like we're going to meet him, anyway! But if you want to base it on astrology... we Virgos can be quite moody if things aren't in order the way we want them to be. :p (Not that I'm encouraging anyone to believe in astrology because I sure as hell don't... unless my horoscope reads well :lol:)

Besides, Danny's hot. And charming. If we focus on that, we won't be disappointed.
My first ever fanfic is now up at It's called Inadmissible and my pen name over there is the same as the cheesy username I use here. It's rated M, so you'll have to change the rating category to see it. Couple things about the story. First, I am not a writer. While my job is heavily dependent on written work product, it is a highly structured form of technical non-fiction that drains the creative spirit right out of a person. I've actually never written fiction before, so let me know what you think. Second, this is a lengthy 5 chapter story with heavily explicit content. I've intentionally written it in such a way that the porn is confined to one chapter only (chapter 4) so that those wishing to engage the powers of their imagination can skip chapter 4 and be subjected only to strong language and brief nudity. Seriously, chapter 4 leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, so if that is a problem for you, please skip it. Enjoy!
I started reading it this morning..but I have to leave the rest of it until everyone else gets the hell out, which should be fairly soon. I'm at chapter 4, that's why I had to stop. :lol:
I'll read and review later. When I am alone. Last time I read that kind of fic in a room full of people I ended up having a coughing fit :lol:
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