The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Very cute sig midnight tiptoes. So sad I missed out on that excitement. Pray for us all ya want. I don't think it'll help much. But as the #1 defender of Carmine's feelings, how do you think he'd feel if we stopped objectifying him now? I mean we really don't want to hurt his feelings, do we? So, it is purely out of consideration for him that I say the man definitely needs a long, hot and very naked shower!
I shall sacrifice 10 virgin goats in the name of your soul's salvation, Top.

Thanks, midnight, you're a pal. But make sure those goats are indeed virgins, otherwise it's a different spell altogether.

One that might bring on the shower scene... :devil: :devil: :devil:
Very cute sig midnight tiptoes. So sad I missed out on that excitement. Pray for us all ya want. I don't think it'll help much. But as the #1 defender of Carmine's feelings, how do you think he'd feel if we stopped objectifying him now? I mean we really don't want to hurt his feelings, do we? So, it is purely out of consideration for him that I say the man definitely needs a long, hot and very naked shower!

I whole-heartedly agree. Who else is gonna stroke his ego if we dont?
Who else is gonna stroke his ego if we dont?

For the sake of my sanity, I would appreciate if you did not use words like stroke while referring to Danny, really my heart and mind can't take it. :devil: ;)

I'm sorry, I should've known better than to post that word in here. I promise it'll never happen again.
Who else is gonna stroke his ego if we dont?

For the sake of my sanity, I would appreciate if you did not use words like stroke while referring to Danny, really my heart and mind can't take it. :devil: ;)


i agree my mind would explode with all the thoughts that brings to mind!!! :devil:

awww i can't believe i missed the grumpy person!! damn

and it always comes back to the SHOWER SCENE!!!! :devil: :lol:
I'd like to stroke a lot more than Carmine's ego! And if I can do that stroking in the SHOWER, all to the good.
Wow I haven't been in here for a while...

Mmm... stroking... yes I will say no more lest I get kicked by the PG-13-o-meter....

And we've gone full circle to end up right where we started... the shower scene! :D
you guys are hilarious!

Welcome all newcomers!

I bet you watch on AXN doncha...
I'm so addicted I watch all the series all the time, even the repeats.
And what do you do on Thursday-Saturday nights when there is no CSI? You come here of course ;)

:devil: :devil: :devil:
:lol: Top41 :lol:

let's all just use our wild and wicked imagination shall we?
this is so gonna get censored if i use my imagination...*think martha steward, think george bush*

NO, DAMN!!! i can´t stop my imagination from thinking happy dirty thoughts! especaily after the last word said in the * * brackets :devil:
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