The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I haven't lost interest with him at the moment.

Although i missed the first half of the season as i was late in realisiing what a great character he is and what a great show it is. Now its being repeated so i'm watching the ones i've missed, making me a very happy camper indeed. (btw, i don't actually go camping :lol:) I haven't really been able to loose interest.

I'm sure its just an excitment thing. There haven't been any new and interesting eps as the seasons ended. So once it starts up again, i'm sure everyone will be back to obsessing about danny/carmine. *crosses fingers* :)
My newest fic's up. Anyone who knows, knows where to find it... or knows which thread to look in to find out where to find it.
Amazing as always! Made me wanna reach for a battery operated device that is not allowed in the Locker Room. :devil: I left a review on fanfic, but want those here to know that your writing is definitely worth reading ... again and again and again. Thanks for the shower scene. :D
It always does and always will come back to the shower scene. :devil:

I tell you now, if we ever get that scene on screen, I think the reaction will crash the site's server.

And Carmine will deserve an Emmy if he can make it through that scene without either giggling or getting stage fright because he knows just how many people will be watching...closely. ;) :devil:
Carmine will deserve an Emmy if he can make it through that scene without either giggling or getting stage fright because he knows just how many people will be watching...closely. ;) :devil:
An Emmy, you say? Dear Writers of CSI:NY, We were saddened that your show did not receive so much as a single Emmy nomination this award season. Out of concern for you and the actors who work so hard on this show, we have determined the simplest means to that end next season - SHOWER SCENE! Thank you for your consideration, The Locker Room Groupies.
^Ah, clever! See, we're only looking out for the show when we call for the shower scene! :cool: Aren't we wonderful fans? :D
Seriously, I mean we are only looking to further the careers of those involved in the show - add a little sparkling statuette to the mantle or a line to the resume. Nothing more. Honest. It's not like the shower scene would even be for us, really, it's more for the benefit of those associated with the show ... okay, I'll stop now. My b.s. is getting pretty thick. :lol:
Yeah, it is, but that was good! :lol:

We will make the supreme sacrifice of watching the man naked in the shower if it benefits the greater good of the show.

Has any show ever had such saintly fans? :confused:

he's just one of the lucky ones. if i did lab work somehow i know i'd just look idiotic. especially because i suck at physics and chemistry (well, not entirely but I'm just trying to work up a little sympathy :D)


How is it that Danny looks slutty even when doing lab work? :lol:
^Well, I don't know if looking slutty in the lab is necessarily a good thing, but Danny sure does pull it off well. :lol: It must be so distracting for his co-workers. :lol:

I'm sure you don't look idiotic doing lab work, Angie! Did you ever blow anything up (anything major)? If not, you're ahead of the game. :cool:
By the way, I had the craziest CSI:NY dream that involved Aiden hooking up with both Danny and Flack. (Not at the SAME TIME, kinky people.) I woke up and I started laughing like hell, because I guess I was supposed to be watching it in my dream and I was all like, "WOOOOOO!" You know, how two peeps on a show that you really want to hook up finally do the deed? Like that.

Wow! I can't even begin to tell you what that image does for me. * laughs at Meter and kicks it away* Unlike the shower scene, which would only be for the benefit of the show, that shot feels as if it's purely for our benefit. :devil:
Wow! I can't even begin to tell you what that image does for me. * laughs at Meter and kicks it away* Unlike the shower scene, which would only be for the benefit of the show, that shot feels as if it's purely for our benefit. :devil:

Yeah, it's almost like Benefiber (without having to shit, of course ;).
[O/T] Just to say I have posted a new fanfic on called "Pulling ranks", but I really should have called it "An Ode to the Locker Room". All the inspiration came from here: food, bondage, shower (of course! :D) and I've even thrown a bit of commando for good measure! [end O/T]
White lab coat... Yummy! :devil:
An Emmy, you say? Dear Writers of CSI:NY, We were saddened that your show did not receive so much as a single Emmy nomination this award season. Out of concern for you and the actors who work so hard on this show, we have determined the simplest means to that end next season - SHOWER SCENE! Thank you for your consideration, The Locker Room Groupies.
:D MrsG, your generosity knows no bound! That is just so thoughtful! ;)
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