The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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That's it. The Meter's going down :mad:

Okay, I've been writing WAY too much porn fanfic. Cause that comment didn't come across to me as hostile (which I'm sure was how it was intended). I immediatly thought dirty thoughts. Speaking of which... I'm to the writing point of tossing Danny in the shower. Good thing I've got incentive and motivation now, isn't it? :devil:
Wow! What a day we've had in here! It's awfully quiet now, though...I suppose everyone's gone off to take a shower...I wonder where? :devil:

Anyway, I'm working on my fanfic and I need some help. Even if you've never read it, you all know Danny well enough to offer suggestions. With the wide and varied tastes in music we have, I'm hoping somebody can point out a good song for Maddie and Danny. PM or e-mail me with any ideas you have so we don't clog up the board (need room for all that soapy goodness in the shower). I'm game for any era, any genre. If it's right, it's right :D

You really are talented Top. *watches all the groupies run off for a cold shower*

Damn the meter. Evil thing, it always spoils our fun. :mad:

Happy birthday wiggles
Happy birthday, Wiggles!

All right, everyone, I need your help. One of us (yes, that's me!) is actually starting to... loseinterestincarmine...

It might've been from one of my visits here last week... when I saw all of those old Danny/Carmine threads resurface. I suddenly got satiated. Ok, scratch that. *thinks of a better term* I got Carmine-sensory-overload. :eek:

I know!!! There is such a thing after all! I'm ashamed and aghast with myself! I'm nowhere near joining the Anti-Danny Thread, I can promise you that. But I'm in serious need of Locker Room therapy, I think.
I don't think it's so much that you're losing interest. I'll be honest, I'm not jonesin' for him as much at the moment either. It's the summer, there's no new episodes on and it's sort of an out of sight, out of mind thing. BUT with all of the bringing up old threads, it does sort of feel like there's an overwhelming Carmine/Danny love thing going on in here. I love the guy just as much as the next person, but for a few days, the lovin' was suffocating.
I reached the Carmine over-saturation point quite a bit ago, but then again, since I don't know the man, I was never really interested in him so much as I am Danny. And as for my Danny fascination, it has waned a wee bit but I'm not worried as I expect it'll pick up again with the new season.
Thanks to all that wished me a happy birthday!!

i had a great day and the weather wasn't too bad!!

to keep this message on topic we soooo need that Shower Scene!! :devil: :lol:
Honestly...I don't think it's a dislike or even an uninterested concept...The man/character is either 'in your face' or he's 'hibernating'...He's always on one side of the spectrum or the other...He never has a median in that department...It's not that anyone even forgets really.

It's kind of like when you leave for college, you don't forget or lose interest in your family and old friends, you just get used to them not being around...Then you go back home for holidays, and everything you felt before is set back into motion.

Hope that made sense...I'm known to just ramble on for the hell of it on occasion. ;)

By the way...Did someone mension a SHOWER SCENE? :lol: :cool:
Happy Belated B-day Wiggles!

Tala, I had a bit of a waning spell too. In fact, lately I've been consumed by my other "love", Clay. I went to a concert last weekend and I was floating on a little fluffy fan cloud. *blushes*
I still love Carmine and seeing all the pics posted in here was a real treat. I needed that! So thank you, to those who put up the pictures! :)
My newest fic's up. Anyone who knows, knows where to find it... or knows which thread to look in to find out where to find it. Make sense? God, I hope not. I gotta work later; why would I want to make sense?
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