The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Dear Writers of CSI:NY, We were saddened that your show did not receive so much as a single Emmy nomination this award season. Out of concern for you and the actors who work so hard on this show, we have determined the simplest means to that end next season - SHOWER SCENE! Thank you for your consideration, The Locker Room Groupies.

Of course we have the best interests of the people involved in the show, at heart. *nodds head in honesty* If just so happens that it our interests are in their as well. Is it me or am i not convincing anyone? :lol:
Benefiber? Do I even want to know? :lol:

Danny in the shower--it must happen! :devil:

Sorry, I can't be more profound than that--I leave for Vegas in 36 hours and my mind is on sun, Strocanos, sexy men and the kind of debauchery only Vegas can offer. :lol:
Viva Las Vegas baby!

Gotta love it :lol: But remember that when drunk and with a lovely male buddy stay clear of the Elvis offering out leaflets, mmmkay?
^Alas, I will probably do both. :( :lol:

Thanks guys! :D midnight_tiptoes is actually there right now, and our vacations overlap by a day. What trouble the two of us could get into is probably the stuff of legends. :lol:

Like midnight said in her column last week, my one goal is to return home not married to some random guy I meet. :lol:
If I read something in the newspaper about two people getting into trouble in Vegas I'll know who it is straight away then :lol:

Have a great time Top41
Ah yes! Watch the papers. :lol: midnight and I could take down the whole city! :lol:

Has anyone here been to Vegas? Does anyone here live near there? If so, let me know--we could meet for a drink! I'm hitting the Rum Jungle Friday night and the Voodoo Lounge on Saturday night. If you do ever go to Vegas, the Strocano (a potent, potent rum drink) is a must! It's the deadliest drink known to mankind! :lol:
I leave for Vegas in 36 hours and my mind is on sun, Strocanos, sexy men and the kind of debauchery only Vegas can offer. :lol:
oh im so jealous i wish i was going. i was there for 8 nights last year, loved the tournament of the kings in the excalibur, now there was some really hot men.
hope you have a great time though
the Strocano (a potent, potent rum drink) is a must! It's the deadliest drink known to mankind!

You sure that wasn't the Blue? :lol:

Anyways, bring me back a souvenir...Warrick, if possible. :devil: And I expect a drunken phone call on my birthday. Bonus points if the call comes with a terrible rendition of "Happy Birthday" followed by "Dude! I'm married!" :D
oh im so jealous i wish i was going. i was there for 8 nights last year, loved the tournament of the kings in the excalibur, now there was some really hot men.
hope you have a great time though

Oooh, that would so be something midnight and I would like! We might go see male strippers too. :devil:

You sure that wasn't the Blue? :lol:

Oh god, the Blue! :lol: Trust me the Strocano is worse, even if only just a little. :lol:

Anyways, bring me back a souvenir...Warrick, if possible. :devil: And I expect a drunken phone call on my birthday. Bonus points if the call comes with a terrible rendition of "Happy Birthday" followed by "Dude! I'm married!" :D

The first--will try, if midnight doesn't use him up first. :lol: The second, a guarantee. The third--uh-oh! :eek:


Everyone be sure to wish Bitten a happy birthday on the 12th in here!!! :D And sing to her, even if you can't sing as badly as I can. :D
have a great time Top!!!!

SHOWER SCENE!!! :devil: think of the viewing figures!!

also i see that Khanada as a new story up well i'm off to look!!
Thanks, Wiggles! :D

The shower scene would shoot the ratings sky high. :devil: :D

And Khanada's new fic is really, really hot. :devil: :D :devil:
We're just quietly plotting something for your birthday on the 12th, is it? A shower scene... hmmm.
How about Danny naked, in the lab, locked in there without any clothes on? :devil:

It's Tuesday. My mind is in the dirty place. :lol:
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