The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Come on girls, we all know, the man doesn't need to have frosting or squirty cream on him for us to want to lick him....but hey, at least if he were covered, we'd have some form of excuse.
Whoa, shower? If there's frosting on the man, lick it off.

Heh. I was probably the only kid at my own birthday parties that wouldn't eat a piece of my cake. I don't like cake, it's too sweet, especially the frosting.

However, to make up for the fact that I won't be licking the frosting off the man, I'd glady join him in the shower in order to scrub his back...and any other parts he may need tended. ;)
We might go see male strippers too. :devil:
Then you must go to Olympic Gardens. Oddly, it's the only place in Vegas where you can see actual male strippers as opposed to a choreographed stage show type performance. Anyhow, "Dominick" (as if that's his name) gives an amazing lap dance ... let's just say I've been to a bachlorette party or two or, more accurately about 10, in Vegas. Last spring/summer, I got a lap dance from the same guy no less than 6 times over the course of one wedding season. How sad is that??? :lol: :lol: :lol: Anyhow, have a fantastic time, Top!
Bitten, you wouldn't lick frosting off Danny? I *hate* peanut butter with a passion, but if Danny got covered in it, I might make an exception. :lol: :devil:

Mrs.G thanks for the suggestion! Is Olympic Gardens on the strip? And I'll ask for "Dominick" and tell him you say hello. :devil: :lol:
Bitten, you wouldn't lick frosting off Danny? I *hate* peanut butter with a passion, but if Danny got covered in it, I might make an exception. :lol: :devil:

Urgh, I can't stand sickeningly sweet stuff, of which frosting is. Lathering him up in peanut butter, though, sounds appealing. Although I would much prefer squeezing a fresh orange over his amazing abs and licking off the trickles of juice. :devil:
How about champagne? Ignore what happened in that one episode of NY, "Crime and Misdemenor," though. :lol: Champagne, in Danny's bellybutton??? Y-E-S!!! :devil:
I dunno, champagne is so cliche though. Then again, I suppose using fresh fruit is also cliche but usually it's strawberries or mangoes, not oranges. There's something in the fact that an orange would leave sticky, fragrant streaks on his stomach that appeals to me... Plus oranges are so freaking yummy, I love the taste (of course, what do you expect from a native Floridian? :lol: )
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