The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^Damn straight I am. :p ;)

But as you can see, I'm not above cliffhangers myself. :devil:
I see that. Don't forget rule #1. Danny. In the shower. Daily. (I'd say hourly but he'd be a little wrinkled prune before long).
Well depending on how hot and humid it is, Danny could be taking several showers a day to cool himself off
Holy cow Top, could you maybe continue that in a fanfic and not be so PG-13? Prrretty please? :D

Phew... is it hot in here? :devil:
^ yeah it is a little warm. :lol:

Write a fanfic Top. The meter can't complain then. :)

EllaJ: i love your avatar. Its great.
I've never written a fanfic before in my life. Besides, this doesn't have much of a plot--just Danny soaping down. :lol:

So Danny picks up the soap and begins to run the bar across his stomach. He slowly rubs it in circles until he creates enough lather to spread across the rest of his chest. He takes his left hand and scoops up some of the lather, rubbing it slowly in cirles around his left pec. As he does so, his nipple starts to harden (It's just a nipple, Meter! :eek: ). Danny lets out a soft sigh of pleasure as he begins to rub his right pec...

Sweet Jesus, Top , you MUST continue ... it's getting really hot in here. I think every groupie in the Locker Room is gonna need a shower by the time Danny steps out of his shower.

BTW - Top , please, please, please write a fanfic for us? Plot? No plot needed. Just a shower scene works quite well for us. :D
Besides, this doesn't have much of a plot--just Danny soaping down. :lol:

Hon, it's called a PWP, which either stands for Porn Without Plot or Plot? What Plot? Since this acronym exists it's indicative of the fact that many fanfics do not have plots. It's normal. Now stop blathering about your silly notions that a story should have a plot and write some porn. :D
Now stop blathering about your silly notions that a story should have a plot and write some porn. :D
I second that! C'mon, Top, pretty please??? It looks like you may have some talents in that area.
Hon, it's called a PWP, which either stands for Porn Without Plot or Plot? What Plot? Since this acronym exists it's indicative of the fact that many fanfics do not have plots. It's normal. Now stop blathering about your silly notions that a story should have a plot and write some porn. :D

Oh, god, that offends my writer's heart! :lol: :D

At the same time, porn doesn't really need a plot. Plots in porn are so overrated.

I'm having so much fun with this in the LR, though! If I make into to fiction, meh, I've got to take it out of the Locker Room. But thanks to all of you for the compliments. :D

Just for those, I'll test the Meter... :devil: ...

Danny takes the soap and runs it across his abdomen and around to his back and then down to his tight ass. He leans forward slightly, placing his right hand on the wall while he rubs his left cheek with the foamy soap bar, moving it in slow circles. He takes his right hand off the shower wall and switches hands so that he can give the right cheek similiar treatment. He moves the bar across to his hip and around to the front...

And that's when the Meter steps in and says, "Nothing more to see here folks!" :lol:

Ah, well, it was fun while it lasted, but I think eventually Danny would have noticed all the LRG watching him hungrily through that very transparent shower curtain. ;)
ok so i go away for a few days for my birthday and come back to 177 messages!!!

well i guess i had better go back and make my way through them all unless someone boils it down for me! :lol:

Oh and Danny is hot!! :devil:
^Danny, in the shower, with a few graphic (Meter-friendly ;) ) descriptions! :D Welcome back, Wiggles, and happy birthday! :D
yeah happy birthday wiggles hope you went somewhere nice and warm cause the weather here has sucked
all this talk of danny in the shower i definately need a cold one now
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