The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Hopping? Bunnies hopping? I want to know who the heck shoved a TRAMPOLINE under them!

Yeah, yeah it was me. :devil:

I'm having a really a bad day--work has been annoying this morning, and then to make matters worse, when I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch, I tripped on the rain-slicked steps of my building and fell hard on my ass. Which still hurts! :lol:

So can you blame a girl for wanting a little sexy Flack-on-Danny action? :lol: ;)
What's this?
Khanada planning a new fic?
Danny to save Don's @$$?
Ooooooh this I will wait patiently for... :D :D

Ah Mrs.G can you point me out to your fic?
Either I'm directionally challenged or is just a tad confusing. :confused:
when I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch, I tripped on the rain-slicked steps of my building and fell hard on my ass. Which still hurts! :lol:
Awww, poor Top. 's there anything Danny can do to comfort you and ease the pain a bit? :D
Awww, poor Top. 's there anything Danny can do to comfort you and ease the pain a bit? :D

A butt massage from Danny would definitely not suck. :lol: The irony is that it hurts less to sit than to walk. I don't have too much padding; I hope I didn't break or fracture anything. :lol:

I have to say, this has been the most Mondayish Monday in a long time. :p

Did everyone have a good weekend? I saw The Island, which if you like sci-fi action flicks, I definitely recommend!

Um, I don't think they're talking about your kinda bunnny, Bliss. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I know - but I couldn't resist reminding everyone!
Mrs.G can you point me out to your fic?
Either I'm directionally challenged or is just a tad confusing. :confused: can be a bit confusing. I had trouble finding Khanada's work the first time I looked for it. I imagine that has to do with the M rating. Go to the upper right corner and change the rating from "K-T" to "M" for mature. Once you've located the M rated CSI:NY stories, mine should be near the top as its one of the more recent. Hope that helps. Based on your post at, I'd say you'll be a big fan of at least one part.

Top - sorry to hear about your fall. I think a nice, hot shower with Danny should help ease the pain. :)
Nah. I don't think it's Danny that intimidates me. It's definitely Carmine. I can't place it though. Sometimes, he just comes across as cocky and I was looking at some of those pictures from Venezuela and he looked so damn cranky and It was probably the circumstances, but man, I'm just reallykindascaredofhim. :lol:

Ok, let me just say how f*cking hot it is down there for starters...He looked down right pissy to me, and that's probably because IT WAS HOT AS BALLS!!!! Oh yeah...Was I supposed to post SHOWER SCENE there? ;) :cool:

As for the cocky thing...How the hell is he supposed to act when a bunch of horny women want his jock? ;)...At times yes, he does come off that way, but I'm thinking it's the intelligence factor...There's a slight difference in confidence and cocky...There are many men out there that are considered 'cocky' because they are educated and blunt...He's definately educated, and he's definately blunt when it comes to certain things (Judging by the few interviews I can go by)...This makes a person, not just a man, intimadating as a whole...This I actually know...I guess that's why...Could that be it?

Oh yeah...Was I supposed to post SHOWER SCENE here too? ;) :cool:
Ouch, Top! Go for a deep tissue as soon as you can! :lol:

Ok, let me just say how f*cking hot it is down there for starters
Agreed. Though I must've overlooked the pissy expression in those pictures... thought there were a few that caught him at a bad angle, that's all! :D But let me say, as someone who lives in the tropics, I'm constantly pissy when it gets overbearingly hot and humid. So it'd probably kill those of you who're fortunate to have fall and winter! Or weather that hardly goes above 85 degrees, for that matter. :)

That being said, COLD SHOWER, anyone? :lol:
Ok, let me just say how f*cking hot it is down there for starters
Agreed. Though I must've overlooked the pissy expression in those pictures... thought there were a few that caught him at a bad angle, that's all! :D But let me say, as someone who lives in the tropics, I'm constantly pissy when it gets overbearingly hot and humid. So it'd probably kill those of you who're fortunate to have fall and winter! Or weather that hardly goes above 85 degrees, for that matter. :)

That being said, COLD SHOWER, anyone? :lol:

It was only in a few did I see the 'unpleased' expression...Bad angle you say? Is this possible? I have seen a very little double chin on him a couple of times :lol:

Shrinkage might take presidence over the cold shower idea though. :D :lol: :cool:
Bad angle you say? Is this possible?
I refuse to believe the guy is close to godly perfection... if he were, I wouldn't like him. Strange as that may seem. :D

Weren't there a few shots where his eyes were rolled back? Bad timing when the pictures were taken, I guess. There were a few other bad ones, but hey, this is a page dedicated to glorify the guy amongst ourselves, so I will stop now before I step on some toes. :D

Besides, there's nothing a cold shower can't forgive...
Awww Top sorry about your fall! :( Think about Danny giving you a nice massage and all will feel better soon. :devil:
Lookaboomerang, fanfics of the "M" kind (or any other kind for that matter!) are best read in bed! You can muffle the SQUEEEEEEE with the duvet! :lol:
Well, my soon-to-be ex-husband has been pi$$ing me off something wicked these past few days :( but for some reason, it got the creative juices flowing. So I'll soon post my 2nd and 3rd fanfics on They are called "promotions and misunderstandings" and "A safe haven". I would really love it if you could give me your opinion and advice please. Ta!
I am slowly working my way to a "naughty" fic which is written already (had to get it out of my system a few weeks ago after reading this thread! You bad influence, you are!:devil:), it just needs working on a bit.
MrsG, read your fic: I will post a review for you
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