The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^Meh, I'm sore and bruised (in the muscles, I think), can you blame me? :lol:

Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. Honestly, I am such a klutz. :rolleyes:

I could go for seeing Danny in the shower. If only they'd put him in the shower in season 1, so we'd have it in reruns.

"Outside Man" is on Wednesday, I think...that's a good Danny episode!
oh i don't get on for a few day and there is a new fanfic for me to read!!! yay!!

oh and SHOWER SCENE!! (i had to get it in!!!) :lol:
You bad influence, you are!:devil:), it just needs working on a bit.

Bad influence? Moi? Nahhhh can't be talking about me. I'm a perfect angel... a saint. <watches for stray lightning bolts from above> :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mornin' Top. Or afternoon. Whatever. How ya feeling? We finally got electricity back. I was going thru DT's last night; no power, no computer, no TV or CSI vids/DVDs. And showering by candlelight is interesting.

Hmmm. Carmine. Candles. Shower. Sign me up!
^I'm doing a little better, thanks, but I haven't gotten up from my chair in at least an hour and a half. Walking sucks. I'm still more dramatic than Danny about it. ;) :lol:

Did you end up finishing at 11 last night, Khanada?

Danny showering by candlelight? Ooooohhhh... :devil: :devil: :devil:
no TV or CSI vids/DVDs.

Shoot, when all those hurricanes came through last year my dad and I would sacrifice a light or two on Monday and Thursday evenings so that we could hook the TV up to the generator to watch CSI. :lol:
Last run came in at twenty-two hundred hrs and I was done inside of ten minutes. Then I got to amuse myself until midnight. For all those out of the loop, I called Top last night while I was working at the "pit" (lab) and she got to hear my usual dictator-ish self on the job. I have one of the headsets like Danny used in the pilot so I can talk and work at the same time. I swear sometimes that place would fall apart without me. That computer that Veronica said wasn't working? Really helps to push the monitor plug in and turn the monitor on. Seriously.

And Top, nobody can out-do Danny in the drama queen department, but you're running a close second there. :lol: I'd suggest having Danny spank YOU but I think enough damage done to that end. I can't really talk; I run a close third there.
Khanada , I've been meaning to tell you that I read Moving Day and really enjoyed it. Very interesting test of trust there. Your characterizations of Danny and Flack are quite good. I am looking forward to you next fic. :D
Bad influence? Moi? Nahhhh can't be talking about me. I'm a perfect angel... a saint. <watches for stray lightning bolts from above>
*coughs* Yes! I am! *coughs* :lol: Didn't we use to have Saint Bitten? Now, we have Saint Khanada, The Patron saint of the fanfic writers! :lol:
Eh! I am not complaining about the bad influence... Me likey the bad influence! :devil:
Oh and yeah for Channel 5 in the UK for the reruns of CSI:NY Tuesdays at 10.00! My addiction shall be fed and sustained :lol:
Edited to say that I have posted my 2 new fanfics on (penname is same as here). If you have a minute to read them, I'd love to have your opinion and advice. Thanks! :D
Read your stuff stfrench, and it is truly amazing. :) Tho not easily satisfied, I must say: MORE, MORE! :D
Awww! Thanks Udjat! That's sweet! :D And yes there will be more! Next one they sleep together. And the one after that, they sleep together again! :devil: Might even try to see if I can write a little bit of bondage in there! :devil:
Oh and yeah for Channel 5 in the UK for the reruns of CSI:NY Tuesdays at 10.00! My addiction shall be fed and sustained :lol:

I got one thing to say about the Miami/NY crossover...


Taped the actual NY episode though... for my Uncle who doesn't have Channel 5. So I kindly offered to tape the reruns for him. Of course I will have to watch to check the tape is okay :rolleyes:
:lol: You should all come and live over here! New episodes (we started kind of late though) show Tuesday nights, rerun four hours later, twice on Wednesdays, once on Thursdays, and again on Sundays.

Your addiction will be cured, I promise you.

Well, maybe not. Because it's rerunning right now and I'm tuned in. :D
Yeah! And when the season ends, they rerun the entire season until the station gets the new season in! :D I love this country! :)
How many of you use TIVO?
Oh, but knick, do you realize we won't be seeing the new season till maybe April next year? Whatdowedo?!

Disappear from this board when the new season starts to avoid all the spoilers and talk about who gets axed? Or do we stay and find out everything about the season to come a year before we actually see any of the episodes?

What to do, what to do... :(
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