The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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How much you wanna bet, we're still going to come here regardless?! These Carmine threads ROCK! And even if we do find out what happens, we're still going to love watching his royal hotness in all his wonderful glory. :devil:
Yeah, how else are you going to find out about things like live chats with the man? I mean, last time, we found out that he goes commando (back on thread topic here... did you see how I did that?). What other fun things can he tell us to set this place on its collective ear for weeks?

Oh, and that IS a rhetorical question, btw. Let's not get off on tangents.
Danny in the shower will be the perfect way to console viewers over whatever character’s death. I only hope the writers take full advantage of the opportunity considering all the other shower possible moments they've blown, such as Danny pitching, Danny in the garbage, Danny walking down the street, Danny drinking coffee . . .

When Stella took a shower in ‘Creatures of the Night’ it was because she was frustrated and upset. If they do kill off a main character, Danny, who is rather emotional, will be so upset he’ll probably go in the shower and remain there for the rest of the season. He’ll look like a little wrinkled prune! Seeing as they’re talking of killing a character off in the second episode, that’s a lot of shower time, ladies.
Well, I hope they'll be doing more than just sleeping?
Oh yeah! :D
SassyJ, he was just dreamy in the Miami/NY crossover, wasn't he?! :) I loved the tie, but missed the glasses! Oh what the hell! Danny is hot either way! :devil:
Of course I will have to watch to check the tape is okay
Well of course! You don't want your uncle to be disappointed now do you? :lol:
Wow did I ever miss a lot! Go out of town for a couple of days, and all of a sudden I'm way behind :)

It's funny you all should be talking about showering by candlelight, though, because my power went out Tuesday night and we had nothin' but candles. Guess what I was thinking while you guys were typing? :devil:

I won't bore you with all the gory details, but the transformer near my driveway blew up and caught fire, so I got to spend most of Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning with Annapolis Fire Department and Annapolis PD. We even had yellow tape around the house and I kept laughing, thinking this would make a good CSI episode...
Tho not easily satisfied, I must say: MORE, MORE!
Your wish is my command, Udjat! :D In a couple of hours I should be able to post "Confrontation and passion" on Enjoy! :D
For my next fic, I have set myself the challenge of including my top three Danny fantasies: Danny in the shower, food on Danny and Danny tied up! :devil: :devil:
And uh, just to get back on track: SHOWER SCENE! :) I'll keep saying it until we get it. So there! :)
It's fanfic time, I guess. I'm on page five of my newest. And the plot bunnies sent me three solid ideas that I have outlined. Since I've hardly had any reviews on my last few, I debated leaving the slash out of this one and possibly even the shower. I'll see how it goes.
As much as I enjoy the slash :devil:, I like your "action" fics. "Identity Crisis" was my favourite. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with!
Those plot bunnies (!), there's no escaping them! :D I know I tried! They just won't leave me alone!
Edited to say: sorry I should stop jumping from 1 thread to the other, but I keep getting pulled from my desk and my concentration's shot. So back on track again: Danny + shower = bliss! :)
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