The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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ok... first off I have to say...
It's almost 4am where I am and I'm sleep deprived.
I have little/no skills.
If I could've found a better picture I would have...
Here goes...
don't say I didn't warn you

Please don't pelt me >.<
LMAO...I know I've said this before but this thread just cracks me up! :lol:

Thanks to csi007 who gave me the lovely b-day present of my avvie...and to tala and knickknack who also hooked me up! You guys are awesome!

And I'm lovin' how Carmine went from wearing a police uniform, to a doctors uni, to a TIGHT nurses uni...oh wow the mental images...sheesh!

Oh and welcome to all of the newbies! I wish I could remember all your names but I don't want to leave any of you out so welcome welcome and thanks for the b-day wishes!

Oh yeah CanadianCSIFan I'm in BC right now...not sure when that whole 'party' is scheduled I do believe that was the plan of Udjat and MrsGiovinazzo so you'll have to ask them... ;)
Really liking the idea of the police uniform :eek: or navy that would be good too.

Tried to think of other uniform possibilites and could only think of fireman suits lol but thats too much clothing for him!
If there's a cop's funeral, then they all attend in full dress uniform. Not that I want for a character to be killed...I just want to see him in that uniform!
I've thought about this many times and had the same thing come to mind. Love a NY cop in full dress uniform. They could always bring in someone for one episode and kill them off just so we get to see the uniforms. :p
and to tala and knickknack who also hooked me up! You guys are awesome!

You're welcome, dream! That's a wicked smile Danny's got there in your avvie. Loved working with it and I'm sure csi007 did, too! ;)

I was thinking the same thing when I saw Mac and Stella in the uniforms. Was waiting for Danny to walk in wearing the same thing. *sighs in disappointment*

Police uniform... doctor's scrubs... *ignores notion of nurse's outfit - too disturbing*... I'm still all for the F1 suit, though. :D

*heads over to role-playing thread to ponder*
Yeah, hate to be a killjoy here, but...
1. Uniform, definitely hot.
2. Doctor's scrubs, also hot. And the ability to go commando is up there in those. I know people who sleep in scrubs because of the comfort thing.
3. Nurses uniform? Uh... guys? Killjoy time. Nurses wear scrubs now-days. Gone are the hats and skirts of old.
My two cents? How about a fire department uniform. A bit overdressed, yeah, but the coat, boots, helmet and dragging a hose (two actually) <ducks the PG-13-o-meter>. Flames wouldn't be the only thing HOT!
Ladies, send your role-playing ideas to the role-playing thread, please! :) Let's see, lined for synopses:
1. Carmine as a police officer (perhaps a rookie)
2. Carmine as a fire fighter (with his ever-reliable hose)
3. Carmine as a professor (think "The Graduate")
What else?

*troops over to "Role Playing with Carmine" to start synopses
the one who wants to see Carmine play Ron Jeremy
Uh-huh! Coz the physical resemblances between Carmine and Ron Jeremy are amazingly uncanny... sheesh! :rolleyes:

Mind you, if Carmine resembles Mr Jeremy in one small (hee!) physical detail :devil:, I want to be part of that production so I can die a happy woman! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Btw, Angelica, I'd be happy to make you an avvie (when you reach 100 posts), just pm me a pic of your choice. Mind you, csi007 is way better at wielding photoshop than I am! :)
i've been away for two days and i come back and have to read three pages of posts. You guys are great. :D

happy birthday dream, even though it is late. :)
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