The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Celefinwe said:
Why all the fuss, folks? Carmine looks good in everything! He just might be relativeless less attractive in certain outfits but it's all good :D

I'm never gonna post another picture again. :p I didn't know that TV Guide pic would cause such a fuss. :D

Oh well, at least we had some more Carmine to look at. :)
1CSIMfan said:
^^Actually, I was just kidding but whew, some people were getting fire up. Guess it made for good conversation. :)

Oh. I knew that :D Things did get a little heated back then but the storm has blown over now so what say we get back to the really important stuff, like lusting and drooling? :devil:
^^Sounds good to me...I've lusted and drooled for so long I need a new supply of towels to wipe the drool away. :lol: I've read so many fanfics in the last few days that my head is about to explode from all the Danny/Flack lovin. :devil:

But I love it. :D
Celefinwe said:
1CSIMfan, you know you can't get enough of the DD lovin' and you know it :devil:

You've got that right. :D The more I read the more of it I want. Aggghhh, these two need to hook up. Unless, they already are. :p It would make all us fangirls REALLY happy. :devil:
Delurking to ask if somebody could PM me and recommend some good Danny/Flack fanfics? I need something to distract me and can't think of much better!!!! I would very much appreciate it. (Too lazy to mooch through all of 'em!)
I love both pictures of Carmine. No reason to fuss over either one of them, as he is equally hot in both.

1CSIMFan, thanks for the T.V. Guide picture, and please by all means, post any more! :)
^ Yes, please post all pics. While there may have been a little heated debate over the last one, there is nothing wrong with that. We all have views on how he looks best. Some dislike the hats, some dislike the jewelry, some dislike red. Whatever. We all love the man and there's nothing wrong with saying, "OMG! That pic is the hottest thing I've ever seen" or "OMG! That sucks balls." It's all good.
"OMG! That sucks balls." It's all good.
:lol: MrsG, you keeeeeel me sometimes. ;)

Anywho, I love both of the pictures...minus the cigarette and the creepy wallpaper, of course. ;) But you know, when I see that horrid wallpaper, I can just imagine lounging on the bed while I watch him tear it down and paint the walls...*drool*...He'd be all sweaty and stuff...*faints* :p :lol: Now, as for the smoking...*shifty eyes* I'll hold him down while someone else slaps the patch on his arm. ;) (Then I'll continue to hold him down while you guys leave :devil:)

Anyway, going back to the previous talk of arm wrinkles (which is just funny if you think about it ;)), I looked at the picture that was posted with the intent of gazing at said 'wrinkle' and instead found myself transfixed by the veins in his arms...gotta love the veins...*fans self*

By the way, did someone confirm that the issue of TV Guide with Teh Hotness in it is the one that's about to come out rather than the one from last week? I hope so--that way I can run out and get my own copy of the whore-Carmine picture. :devil: :p
Nim said:
And we're lucky there are new pics of him!!!
Watching always the same old photoshots is cool, but I knew every wrinkle of his face...hahahahaha :p

Yeah, I wonder if he has wrinkles anywhere else. I'd be willing to find out and he wouldn't have to pay me :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
Yeah, I wonder if he has wrinkles anywhere else. I'd be willing to find out and he wouldn't have to pay me :devil:.
That delicious ass seems to be wrinkle free and that's all that really matters. :devil:
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