The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Or Flack_Lover.

I thought I was going to die when I couldn't get on yesterday! Good job keeping the gutter flowing ladies!!

For the record, I am not Carmine. I just want to be [in] his pants!
Oh yeah, Carmine has to come to these threads for good ideas. And I can hear Eddie asking where he learned that or where did that come from. Carmine all the while just has that smirk on his face. He knows exactly where it came from. US!!! :D

**off to search other threads looking for Carmine**

ETA: Springmoon I see you've changed your location to the Danny/Flack/Hill sandwich. Love it. :D I've changed my title (not sure if I like it or not) and I might change my location if I can find another one I like. With all of us in Flack and Danny's bed, in Carmine's pants, Carmine's bed, Flack's bed...doesn't leave much left to pick. :D
No, wait. Didn't Fay mention something that Eddie/Flack's username something like Don Juan Desexy or something? :lol: And Carmine/Danny's was Hot_CSI_Ass? Nope. Haven't seen either of them around :D
Since Fay caught on to them, they had to have their names changed. So, we still need to look for them. It would probably be something we'd never think of.

BTW, I see we're on page 21 already!! Anybody thought of a new thread name?
^AH HA! carmine is a lurker... let's see if i can see him on who's online... *takes out flashlight and spying gear*

can u imagine the scandal if we exposed carmine?!?!! all the tabloids would hog our site! :lol: the world would never be able to look at him the same....

Springmoon said:
For the record, I am not Carmine. I just want to be [in] his pants!

in more ways than one... :D

ETA: poll sounds good to me...
1CSIMfan said:

ETA: Springmoon I see you've changed your location to the Danny/Flack/Hill sandwich. Love it. :D I've changed my title (not sure if I like it or not) and I might change my location if I can find another one I like. With all of us in Flack and Danny's bed, in Carmine's pants, Carmine's bed, Flack's bed...doesn't leave much left to pick. :D

Well, you know that OK! magazine (I think) mentioned that he had a really sweet house. You could just use one of those locations: the sun room, dining room table, the pond in the back yard...
^^Was that the article where he is standing in the door? I love his house. hmmm...will have to think about that one.

New thread names: Since this is the first Locker Room thread I've been in some of my suggestions may have already been used. **runs off to get notebook to keep track of suggestions** I know, I'm obsessed with keeping track of thread names. Please forgive me. :rolleyes:

ETA: I've thought of a couple

Locker Room #13 - Hot, Steamy, Shower Scene-Bring it On or something like that
jorja_fan86 said:
ThumpyG said:
however, I was laughing my ass off when I read jorja's comment about men with hairy chests and gold chains! The first thing I pictured was Danny wearing leopard print (disgusting, imo) butt-floss (what my mother's calls thongs), with tons of gold chains around his neck at the beach.

:lol: I can see him at the beach and saying in a thick accent, "Hey baby, come back to my place & I give you ice cream!" or "Come back to my place & I show you a good time!" while he plays with his chest hair and bites down on a tooth pick as his gold chain reflects in the sunlight. Ooh, and don't forget the gobs of gel in his hair. What a grease ball...

:lol: Just hearing him saying that kills me.

:lol: Ok, that was such a disgusting picture that you just painted jorja ! thanks! How nasty is that? :lol: My sweet innocent mind has been permanently warped. ;)
^ you sin for a good cause (hot csi boys are now registered in all fangirl holy books as a reason worth sinning) YOU ARE FORGIVEN.

okay i might be drunk now... but yea, his house was cool. loved the terrace!
Yep, that's the one. Where he's wearing that gorgeous blue suit and looks so very f-able. There were some shots as well of the inside of the house and it was fabulous, and made even nicer by the fact that he and his cousin did most of the refurbishment themselves. The man does know how to use his hands.
Oh yeah, I loved the inside of his house..I saw that article at the beginning of this thread. I loved his dining room with the celestial star light. I have always wanted one of those. hmmm...gonna have to think about the new location name. Don't know where to start.
Springmoon said:
Yep, that's the one. Where he's wearing that gorgeous blue suit and looks so very f-able. There were some shots as well of the inside of the house and it was fabulous, and made even nicer by the fact that he and his cousin did most of the refurbishment themselves. The man does know how to use his hands.

:lol: indeed he does know how to use his hands.... now if he would bring some of that over my way, things would be great! :lol: and in every picture I see him in he is very doable.
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