The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Me? Absent? *gasp!* Springmoon, don't tell me you missed Hot_CSI_Ass and Don_Juan_DeSexy on page 18?! :eek: ;) Anyway...

Sperm with Carmine's face on them? I keep picturing one with glasses, one without glasses, one with Thumpy G's head...I'm praying that the Thumpy G sperm doesn't get to my egg first. :lol:

I have a feeling that our love-child would have my big forehead and his big ass. :rolleyes: Utterly doomed...

But I'm willing to share him so long as I get to use the RoboSpanker during my turn. :devil: :p
Faylinn said:
Me? Absent? *gasp!* Springmoon, don't tell me you missed Hot_CSI_Ass and Don_Juan_DeSexy on page 18?! :eek: ;) Anyway...

mmmmm..... robospanker...

Heh, I didn't miss Don Juan and Hot_CSI, but sometimes that stupid paycheck does intrude on my forum musings and viewings... Those were hilarious by the way. My fellow cube dwellers were insisting on knowing what it was I was sniggering at!

Fay, you are more than welcome to use the robospanker on him. I just wanna use that whip that he slapped on the table when he told Aiden to see Jane in DNA. ;)

Fay, you are so inspiring. We just love the Don Juan DeSexy over in the Flack thread that we are saving that idea for a future thread. That is with your permission of course. :)

Also, you know you just screwed yourself...the Thumpy G sperm will now be the first to reach your egg. :p I'll take the one with glasses since I wear glasses/contacts too.

Let's see with my blond hair and blue eyes, I'd hope we'd have blue eyed little Carmine's. I make pretty babies and how could you go wrong with Carmine?
Hmm...I have dark brown eyes, dark brown/black hair & semi olive skin. I think if Carmine Jr. had my hair colour & complexion & Carmine's eyes he'd be a good looking kid.
Geez, let us all just make a petition for a Carmine harem or something. :lol: :p

One woman for each day of the year! :devil:
1.) I'm using the RoboSpanker, like it or not. ;)
2.) I refuse to have a mini Thumpy G running around with his pants falling off and his Kids Bop tape blaring. :rolleyes: He'd probably be Thumper G because of the Bambi associations. *sigh*
3.) My kid will probably have glasses anyway since I need them--so that makes a near-sighted Thumper G with a big ole' forehead. *shakes head* Doomed...Doomed I say!...

Oh, and by the way, I'm all about using "Don Juan DeSexy" for a Flack thread. ;)
I'd say your right jorja. Those would be some cute Carmine Jr's.

Just a thought but have we ever considered if Carmine Jr's were girls?? :eek:

With all of us willing to make little Carmine's with Carmine..we can have about every type of little Carmine imaginable. :p
Poor guy. With all of the whipping and robospanking and my personal favorite, good cop/bad cop (handcuff are fun! :D) the man will be battered and bruised and not want to play :( of course, just the thought of seeing that tight naked ass of his I may pass out myself... or grab it and hold on! :devil: *fans self*

I have blonde hair and green eyes, but I am short, so if I had a baby with the Italian Stalion, the kid would be short! :lol: ThumpyG sperm would be interesting......
Bwahahah! I was thinking King Solomon's situation here ... did you know he had 3000 concubines? Now if our man were to have that many too, it'd take him ... ohh, I'd say about 10 years or so to go through every lady per night. :devil: :lol: :p
*cough* I'm not that patient, Kimmy *scowl* I'll need to demand that Eddie take care of me between-times. :devil: That would make Carmine jealous. :devil: :lol:

By the way, if I had little Carmine girls, let's just hope that they wouldn't be hairy like him! :eek: :lol:
ThumpyG said:
Poor guy. With all of the whipping and robospanking and my personal favorite, good cop/bad cop (handcuff are fun! :D) the man will be battered and bruised and not want to play :( of course, just the thought of seeing that tight naked ass of his I may pass out myself... or grab it and hold on! :devil: *fans self*

I have blonde hair and green eyes, but I am short, so if I had a baby with the Italian Stalion, the kid would be short! :lol: ThumpyG sperm would be interesting......

Oh yeah, I forgot that I am short there would be another short Italian Stallion running around.

Fay has already (not totally be her choice) laid claim to the ThumpyG sperm. :lol:
Don't worry Carmine, I'm 5'9"!

Well Fay, hopefully the werewolf gene will skip a generation :lol:.
Believe it or not, I shall lay claim to the Shasta McNasty sperm.

Because my family will all have mohawks and not be daunted by nekkidness in the house. And everybody will love bananas. I know I do.

:devil: :p
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