The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Jorja Fan - Glad you liked the story. Sorry it was so long, but I really wanted to include most of the details the first time around so as not to leave everyone with a million questions. No, I didn't meet Melina. Carmine, Hill and Kelly were the only cast members I encountered. While, I am and always will be a diehard Carmine fan, I've gotta say honestly that if I went in there knowing nothing about any of them, my crush would be on Kelly. :lol: It was a joy to watch her interaction with Hill, Carmine and the crew. She is flawlessly gorgeous in real life and obviously adored by everyone she comes into contact with. As for Carmine's color, he appears to have a faint natural goldenness (is that a word?) enhanced by make-up. The amount of make-up they use on that show (or any, I imagine) is unreal. Hell, I fake-tan year round and still got a fair dusting of bronzing powder. :lol:

Edit: Mestiza - Yeah, it was really cool to see how focused he is on his work. He is 100% totally professional while on set and completely focused on his job. He had a very intense vibe. As for the dress, since I did buy it, it just occurred to me that prior to the time the episode airs, I should have someone take a pic of me in the dress so I can show you exactly who to look for in the cocktail party scenes.
Thanx MrsG for your story! It's interesting to see things from an insider view. I always adored actors because of the amount of lines they have to learn and scenes they have to memorize. Though job. I can imagine Carmine anwering emails at 2AM to make himself aware of it that the fans are counting on him and that they like what he's doing. And he's doing a kick-ass job, while at it.

Your insider infos answer a few questions, but I guess they raise some new ones too. It was to be expected though.

Thanx again! Nice job and I will sure look for you in that episode! ;)
MrsG, you're back!!!!! WOW, that was some story! What fun! You know after hearing first hand from you about all that goes into the show and especially Carmine and how intense and focused he is, I have a newfound respect for acting in general.

Woo Hoo, so the man has the book. Now he really knows just how crazy we are! What a great experience! :D

I cannot wait to see the episode in March!
Yep, the man has the book. So, if any of you score a booty call, you owe me a big ass thank you. :lol:

I too have so much more respect for actors now. The man definitely isn't whining just for the sake of whining. For me, one of the hardest things about that job would be the lack of control. Ridiculously long hours he has absolutely zero control over. No control over when he eats, takes breaks, gets to work, gets to go home and sleep, etc. That's a really intense work environment where every single person on that set, from the top all the way down to the bottom, is absolutely busting butt the whole time. Every single person involved in that show has my full respect.
:lol: yeah, you will be the first person I call if I score a booty call with that man!!!!!! At least he has all of our information and knows that all of us are a sure thing! That was probably quite a large book too.

For one thing, he knows that all of us appreciate his acting ability and we know who he is, that and he is beautiful to look at! And you met him! :)
MrsG, thanks for the awesome and thorough report! I know I'm not the only one who likes to know as much as possible, so I appreciate getting the whole breakdown of the day.

And what a long day it must have been! I know being on set involves a lot of waiting, but it seems like it really was a lot of standing around. But what a cool experience to have--I'm sure it's something you'll be glad you did!

And kudos to you for seizing the moment and going up to Carmine! :D Meeting "Danny" must have been somewhat intimidating--I love Danny to death, but he's not the most laid-back character, so if Carmine channels him all day on set that's got to be exhausting. I bet he'll enjoy that Little Black Book! :D But, he's a dope for not checking you out. No wonder the guy is single. :rolleyes:

I'm glad none of the weird things you had to eat tasted bad! And the dress sounds killer. :D
And what a long day it must have been! I know being on set involves a lot of waiting, but it seems like it really was a lot of standing around. But what a cool experience to have--I'm sure it's something you'll be glad you did!
I was only involved in shooting for maybe two hours, so yeah, it was a ton of standing around. But totally worth it just because that's a once in a lifetime experience and a great story to be able to tell. I am really, really grateful for that opportunity. It was a blast!

And kudos to you for seizing the moment and going up to Carmine! :D Meeting "Danny" must have been somewhat intimidating--I love Danny to death, but he's not the most laid-back character, so if Carmine channels him all day on set that's got to be exhausting.
That actually did require some degree of balls because you really can't imagine just how intimidating "Danny" really is until you feel that vibe in person. ... I have no idea how Carmine can channel that all day then go home and respond to e-mails in a light-hearted manner. That's a really tough role.

I bet he'll enjoy that Little Black Book! :D
Yeah, I'm thinking once he got home and became lighter, friendlier Carmine, he probably did think it was funny as hell. Carmine, as opposed to Danny, does seem to have quite a sense of humor. BTW, I didn't tell you all that I actually re-wrote the entire Little Black Book Wednesday night in my hotel room because I fell in love with an address book I saw earlier in the day while wandering the shops in Beverly Hills. I found an absolutely freakin' perfect small black leather address book that has the names of major world cities embossed in the front cover. Perfect for addresses from all around the world. I couldn't resist, even if that did mean an evening of re-writing.

But, he's a dope for not checking you out. No wonder the guy is single. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Top. My dress was sexy as hell and I had the benefit of professionally done hair and make-up. I literally could not have hoped for any better when approaching my #1 celebrity crush and he honestly could not have been less interested. :lol: :lol: :lol: He didn't check me out for even a fraction of a second. :( :lol: ... Damn, that's gonna sting the ol' self-esteem for a while. Totally kidding. :lol:
^Maybe Carmine was intimidated by your beauty and he was too scared to approach you. I bet once he looks at that black book your phone will be off the hook heh. I wonder what he's like in real life...
Thanks for the report Mrs. G!! Sounds like you had a great time! :D

I can attest to the crazy and long set hours. I've done extra work before and some indie films. But it's fun and worth it if that's what you love to do. Heck, I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything (including a night shoot with fake rain and the rooster across the street crowing to "wake us up" when we still had hours of shooting before it was time for us to even thinking about going to sleep....ahh, memories :lol: :D)

But, he's a dope for not checking you out. No wonder the guy is single. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Top. My dress was sexy as hell and I had the benefit of professionally done hair and make-up. I literally could not have hoped for any better when approaching my #1 celebrity crush and he honestly could not have been less interested. :lol: :lol: :lol: He didn't check me out for even a fraction of a second. :( :lol: ... Damn, that's gonna sting the ol' self-esteem for a while. Totally kidding. :lol:
Ahh, but the man is an actor. He was probably just playing it cool. I bet the minute you turned around to walk away..... ;)
THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I agree with Top41- you're pretty!
No doubt that after you walked away MrsG, Carmine snuck a peek at you! ;) He may be a dedicated actor, but come on, he is still a man! How could he not look at you, all dressed up and looking HOT?
Aw, you girls are too sweet to me. :D Honestly, my self-esteem isn't suffering any deficit. I have a pretty great life and don't need an actor to notice me to feel good ... but, hey, I won't lie, an appreciative glance from him woulda made my night. :lol: But I did get to meet him, so beggers really can't be chosers.
Thanks for the report, Mrs G! Glad to hear that the bugs weren't as bad as we all thought. Still don't know if I could pull it off though. Just the thought makes me shudder.

And I have to agree with everyone else, Carmine is crazy for not checking you out. Is the man blind? Or maybe he was just so focused on work and all. Still, the man is obviously not a player. :lol: Otherwise work wouldn't have gotten in his way.

And Kelly Hu is in it? Woot!!! I nearly squealed when I read that. Thanks for the scoop!
That is also what I find weird. Why not cheking out the girls/women he's surrounded by? Even if he's working he gotta have feelings of his own, right? That man is a mistery to me...
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