The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Hmm... The guy sure doesn't have a problem with getting off his clothes...

I wonder if he has a scar from his back injury...?
Seriously I have this thing for guys with scars. They're so sexy for some reason. It also really erks me when they try to hide it with a beard or something...Show it off honey!
I'm only asking, cuz I have scars too and I can relate to people with scars more. I know it's weird, but that is how I am.

A scar and bruise fetish? :lol: Now that's something new! ;)
I have hundreds of scars but I don't know how I get them. I have studied the pic closely and there doesn't seem to be a scar but I could've made a mistake I'll go check again lol.
Oh yeah, Loafie, I'm sure you "studied the pic closely." ;) :lol: Your dedication is an inspiration to us all--we could easily have sent a search party to find a scar, if one exists, but you are a one-person army! You have my support. *salute* :lol:

Anyway, I'm thinking that the back injury itself probably wouldn't leave a scar, but he might have had surgery or something...The LR needs to know the truth, General Loafie--we place the success of this daunting search in your capable hands--er, eyes... :p :lol: Good luck!

Thank you Fay I will try my upmost to find out the answers.

Hey if anyone wants to join my army (General Loafie's army of Locker Room Groupies) I'm sure I can find a task lol.
*signs up* Yay! I want to be in the army! (as long as my job isn't to search for Danny's missing glasses! :p ) What will my task be, General? Perhaps I can go on a reconnaissance mission to Carmine's house to search for, er, whatever. :D

*Fay sneaks in very sneakily and tip-toes to the kitchen doorway. She peeks around the corner and...*
Fay: Drat! I've been seen...oh... :eek:

(This is what she saw: brace yourself )

*There are a few moments of utter silence*
Carmine: Er, why are you here?
Fay: Uhhh....*has to think for a minute* I'm on a reconnaissance mission to discover...stuff...
Carmine: In my house?
Fay: Uh, yeah...
Carmine: What kind of "stuff?"
Fay: *blinks* Er, I don't remember...

(Meanwhile, back at the LR Army headquarters, General Loafie, worried about Fay, has someone put the visual link up on the really-big-television-screen.)

General Loafie: Oh...


Anywho... :p That was very off-topic, no?
Fay I meant a surgery scar too. It seems like he didn't have any, but one would think that a bad back injury would be operated... Hm...

Anyway, I have surgery scars I'd LOVE to get rid of. *sigh*

EDIT: Btw Fay I'm begging you change your avvie! :lol: You're killing me with that pic! :lol:
Well done Fay nice job getting caught but I suppose if he caught you like that you can't complain. Now back to HQ!
Fay I'm begging you change your avvie! :lol: You're killing me with that pic! :lol:

Nope, sorry, you're stuck with the horrid glasses for now! :devil: Bru-ha-ha!

Anyway, BlueGirl, I suppose it should have been obvious that you meant a surgery scar. :rolleyes: Duh, Fay!

Anywho...reporting back to General Loafie: I am happy to report that I have successfully completed my reconnaissance mission to Carmine's kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom...

Loafie: Wait, hang on...I thought you left after the kitchen? We lost the visual feed and assumed that Carmine called the cops or something...Oh. :eek:
*Fay smirks*

:lol: Okay, I'll stop with the dialogues now. :D
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