The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I bet he's especially good at [CENSORED BY FRED].


With that tongue? Hell yeah! :devil:

Tonight's ep was okay, but needed more Danny. Or rather, more naked Danny. :devil:
Yeah, his tongue should, like, have a national holiday unto itself. It's that good.

They really should make a replica and market it. I'm sure it would be a hot seller. :lol: :devil:
:eek: Did someone slip Fred something, or is he just oblivious to what you guys are suggesting? *looks around for Fred*...I'll put my name down to order one of the replicas, thanks. :lol: You guys can give me one for my birthday. ;)
Yeah, you're right, Fred really should get us. No way should he let me talk about how Danny should [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER]! :devil:

Well, Fred may be able to censor our words, but he can't censor our thoughts. And trust me, Danny's tongue is playing a pivotal role in these thoughts. Err, no pun intended. :lol:
Danny's tongue is quite versatile in my imagination. And we all know it gets so much exercise, darting in and out of his mouth like it does. :devil:
Wow, Bitten, your mind is way down in the gutter! :lol: Maybe we should throw you a rope and try to pull you out...wait a second...we're almost as far down as you are! :p

I can't deny that, when you said it, I thought about it. :eek: Oh, woe is me! These boards have warped my fragile little virgin mind! :p
Hah. Like anyone has a fragile virgin mind after seeing Danny's tongue dart in and out of his mouth the way it does . . .

Why is Fred staring at me? :D
I want Danny to be my plumber. Of course I would make sure to break all the pipes in my place so that he would spend his sweet time fixing everything with a wrench. Of course, the wrench isn't the only thing that he'll be using if you get my drift heh. I can see it now...

Danny: Are you trying to seduce me?
Me: Oh yes I am trying to seduce you clever one.
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