The Life & Times of Sara Sidle

lol You should! :D I wasn't going to add it in the story, it never even crossed my mind...well it did a couple of times but I needed a reason for it and there ya go! Thankies! :D
Just don't do anything with cars, 'kay? ;-) Cause I've been thinking about the car comment that you made a super-long time ago. In any event, that was awesome (as usual!)
Summary: (You all know by now)
Care to summarize, raven? ;)

Damn you Schmatt! Aargh! That stupid register guy! :mad:




I shall spare you guys from my colorful language. :p Hey, do you think the person who kept giving you those weird comments is Matt? Maybe you brought him to life! :eek:

All your ideas sound good! Now put 'em on paper and serve them to us! :D
they should so have Josh on CSI! that would be awesome! He would be accused of a crime (even though he would be innocent) and Sara would help him and stuff!
See? What'd I say, Raven? Now that we've all read this, there is NO other good Sara back story. That's it... Josh exists, and that's all there is to it!
lol Thankies, guys...I'm actually...considering submitting this mom's encouraging me to do so. :D

lol *hugs Josh doll* Anyone want a Josh doll? :D
AWESOME! You should make a copy and send it to the writers of CSI! What would you do if they read it???
*twitch* *paramedics come in* CLEAR! *buzz* CLEAR! *buzz* CLEAR! *buzz* *pops up* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk! You have no idea how happy that would make me if they read it...just to know they read it...*SQUEE* :D
Yah. But I could see this being a book, too, like the ones that MAC does. Specially because it hasn't been done with CSI yet... I've seen it with Star Trek, and a couple of other shows, but nope, no major (major)character development.
My mom asked me who did the CSI paperbacks and I told her MAC did them. She told me she'd have to help me get the story ready to send off...that means a long day of editing and many pots of coffee :D

I really don't think someone would buy it, though :(
Uh... pretty sure they would :).

You said that you come from a family of writers, so that's good. They can probably get ya going. Don't be shy about it, though. You really are good.

Hmmm... do you think that publishing a book guarantees you an A in English? Probably, unless your teacher hates CSI. You might want to look into that :).
lol My teacher said she wanted to read one of my don't know if she's ready for it...I don't want my grandma reading it either's a lot darker than what I usually write and she's always lecturing me about how I should have something else on my mind and how horrible CSI is because it's so gory and gruesome, etc :rolleyes:

Thankies...I think I will send it in somewhere :D