The Life & Times of Sara Sidle

Fine Zan1781, Im second then! lol

Yeah, my guess is on the authorities and donuts too! And the coffee that unsuccessfully tried to keep then awake! Arrr! :D :p

More! I need more! We need more! :D
I'm not lawyer, but it looked good :).

Except for the whole stupid judge thing. I'm going to reach into the computer and take care of it soon enough, don't worry!
Your writing was awesome, don't get me wrong!

But he/she (I forgot, sorry!), shouldn't have made Sara answer that question about whether she liked it or not. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know if the question was valid or not (I guess it was, technically), but poor Sara. I'm with her lawyer... she shouldn't have had to do that!

So who wants in on the taking out back thing? Anyone?
Ah, you thought I was being critical :). Nope, not at all. I just feel Sara's pain, that's all. So it was good writing. You managed to evoke some pretty strong emotions, that's all!
intense, court scene. I'm no lawyer either but to me it seemed good. I hope Matthew get's his punishment.
Okay, good :). You should see it... my co-worker and I have been doing this all day. We're working 50-60 hours right now, and today we were both in the office, going, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" When neither of our feelings were hurt. Man. Stress = oversensitivity big time!

So yeah, write more :). Soon, please!
Great one! :) Poor Sara, and evil, EVIL, EVILLLL Matt! :mad: With all those looks he's giving Sara the Jury CAN'T find him not guilty! Can they? :eek: