The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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team america world police!
sooo funny!
the song lyrics are soo good, por example:
america fuck yeah!
i need you like ben affleck needs acting school!
I watched 'Firewall' the other day. It was basically every single Harrison Ford movie since the Indiana Jones trilogy. You know, family abducted, bad guy threatening, Harrison (the ideal family man) must save family, punish bad guy.. *rolls eyes* Don't get me wrong, I'm the biggest Ford fan on Earth (No really. I have a life sized cardboard cutout of him in A New Hope and not one, but 2 Han Solo action figures next to my computer... shut up!), but his movies are pretty predictable and boring of late.

However, Virgina Madsen and Paul Bettany were both, as always, fantastic. I love them so.
That reminds me, I watched Blade:Trinity yesterday because there wasn't anything else on, and the effects were cool and all, but I thought the best part was Ryan Reynolds - he was hilarious.
I just watched the 20th anniversary edition dvd of Police Academy with the audio commentary from the cast. That movie is still so funny after all these years!
Has been (T)raumschiff Periode I, a german movie. Sooo great! I died laughing! It'll be shown again this evening.

Second one has been King Arthur. I love that movie. I love those knights. Love the whole thing about Arthur, even the historical stuff.
Last night i saw The Fog it was a great movie, but a little confussing in the beginning but very quick in notice the clue and i already now how it would end.. But i still liked the movie.. :D
oohh i wanted to see the fog! but only because of tom welling :lol:
if i tell you what movie im watching right now you have to promise not to laugh at me... im watching 'a cinderella story' on tv. i said dont laugh! its really cute and chad michael murray isnt bad too look at :lol: and jennifer coolidge is hilarious
I just finished Superman II on Space. I totally watched it on AMC just a couple months ago, but I love it so damn much that when it was on again, I had to watch it again. Chris Reeve was such a handsome man. sigh. Watching an old Superman movie totally reminded me of just how lame the new one was. Supes is my ultimate favourite hero, and I like to see him done justice.
It was the Transamerica!!!OH MY GOD!!!IT WAS SO GOOD!!
It shocked me! :eek:Felicity Huffman is brilliant!!
Everybody should watch it!AMAZING!!!
Last night i saw SAW 2, so sick but great movie, and yes there is going to be a part three, but i liked it anyway. Sick way to die and the look like the movies The cube, and those three are sick to. But i love movies like that.
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