I just sprained my wrist. I was in a car accident and went to get on the horn and hitting the other car made me stop and my wrist bent all funny and here I am today.
Owie! I meant to say something like 'I hope your wrist is okay' in the Let's Talk Gay thread, but I got distracted. So I say it now!
So today, I was sitting there, on the computer doing some research in the Uni library, and I am bored out of my mind, because I can't find anything. So I start swinging my legs, hit the desk that the computer was on, and was like 'owwweee'. Then as I was making a big scence over my leg, I fell over onto the floor :lol:. That was a lot of pain for some stupid research project :lol:
And oh my gosh, I ddi this today, and almost every other day, I fell up the stairs! I hate doing thatt. Ugh, I was in pain, I just kind of layed there and didn't move until my roommate threatened to step on my hair.
And random: Last year when I was doing ski lessons, I was skiing down a hill, And I swurved to avoid some cute adorable three year old, only doing that threw my off balance, and well, I whiped out and my skiis went over my head. I just kind of layed there, I mean, I could move fine, but I layed there for about, five minutes. Then I scooted down the hill because I was in pain.
Hmm...I am quite blonde
