All your injuries sound v. painful!
My latest injury: I got smacked in the face with a hockey stick. It took two triage nurses, eight interns, three doctors, one paramedic, three radiologists, four pedeatric doctors, two police men and seven hours to tell me it wasn't broken. I couldn't eat or go to sleep because I may have needed surgery and they thought I might have a concussion.
Next day, it went horrible blue, purple, black and red and everyone asked about it. I had two policemen come up to me and ask whether everything was alright at home. *cringe*
Oh well, it took two weeks, six packets of pain killers and lots of explaining to heal but it did.
I have had plenty of others though. Let's see:
I fell out of a tree and broke an arm and a leg,
I fell of my bike and needed eight stitches in the head,
I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist,
I dropped a pack of three lamb shanks on my foot and broke three bones in it,
Slammed my fingers in the car door and broke them all across the base of my fingers,
Fell off a balconey in Spain and broke an ankle and my other wrist,
Slammed the other fingers in a fire door and broke them all.
And to date I have had eight consussions and I have had one hundred and thirty one stitches for various small but deep cuts and an injury involving barbed wire and my right leg. Needless to say, it was not fun. At all.
*scrolls up and reads* Wow, I've had a lot of injuries. Well, just thought I'd contribute my long list of former injuries so here you go. Thanks for reading.