The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I don't know if this goes here.. but here goes.
Remember that part in Nesting Dolls where Sara gets mad at Catherine and says "You let your sexuality blur your opinion of men, and I'm going to go over your head" or something?
I don't understand.. I mean, neither of them play a lesbian..
Can someone explain it to me..?
I think she just mean Catherine is a balantantly sexual woman, and Sara thinks that sometimes that clouds Catherine's judgement. She's not talking about sexual orientation.
I have a q about episode 1.5 "Friends and Lovers". Im not sure if this goes here but I read on some sites that if you read Grissoms lips when he's yelling at the drug dealer at that rave when he says
"...we came out to bust you for possession you dumb punk?"
but apparently he says "dumb prick" if you read his lips. Is that true. Because surely they wouldn't just put a voice over, they would re-flim it? If anyone could help that would be great. And I apoligize if this post doesn't go here.
I think he actually does say 'prick'. Perhaps they were too lazy to reshoot and figured no one would notice :lol:

I actually have a question. The name of the episode slips my mind, but it was in the first season. Well i noticed there was a lot could i say this....boobage. Anyways, i was wondering. Did CSI/CBS,whoever...get in a whole lot of trouble for that episode for the nudity? I've always been curious about this. My sister and i were watching it and she was like" WHOA....they just showed boob" :lol:
Ok so this is more of a 'what series is it' question =p didn't know where to ask, sorry lol.

But, I was watching CSI last night on Living, and was wandering what series it was (I forgot to look at the title) but this was what happened.. A man ran over a boy, but he had been stabbed earlier that night, Sara and Grissom were looking around a park for the weapon and clues and stuff, one part was funny, Grissom got Sara to drag Warrick around the room..... ring any bells?? lol thanks..
I was talking with a friend about last ep of "Without a Trace" that was quite bizarre 'cause it was comedy instead of drama and she told me there was a CSI ep that looked the same,but I don't remember having watched it.Do you know which ep was it?
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