The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I'm not sure if anyone has an answer for this, but here goes. The rooms that the victims that are still alive go into to identify their attackers or whatever; Do these rooms have a name? *Is confuzzled*
The interrogation room. I've seen some rooms with height lines on the walls. The Victims stand on the witness side while the lineup is facing their reflection in the mirror. ..O__o Or.. that's what I saw in Law & Order atleast.
I always thought that wa the room where they, um, interrogated people :p Like it has the table and chairs with the mirror and the little room for the police/investigators to stand and listen in.

Or do they do lineups in those rooms, too? :confused:
Yes, interrogation rooms have been used for police line ups. At least those that have a one-way mirror. Our local police department where I live uses it as one.
Still there are rooms, that only have the height lines on the wall, and these are just simply called police lineup rooms.
This is a question about a character...
I'm a little confused :p I haven't watched Miami long, but is Calleighs last name Ducaine or Duesque<< (sp?) cause on the prog I swear they say Ducaine, but sometimes on here they say Duesque :S thanks... x
Her last name is spelled Duquesne. DuCaine is actually what the Calleigh/Horatio couple ship is called. It is pronounced 'ducaine' however. :)
Oh right thank you. I did wonder how Duquesne was pronounced. And I remember hearing Horatio say Ducaine once, so that confused me lol. ThankS ^_^
hi i was looking at cbs website and the have a page where you use a magnifying glass to look over pictures of the csi's to get clues as to what s going to happen in final 2 episodes of csi season 6. has anyone seen it? if so do you know what the clues are?
I was thinking the other night...I know Hawkes (CSI:NY) took the exam to be a CSI and whatnot, but in NY, the CSIs are also cops, which he wasn't/isn't....:confused:
csilovegrissom said:
hi i was looking at cbs website and the have a page where you use a magnifying glass to look over pictures of the csi's to get clues as to what s going to happen in final 2 episodes of csi season 6. has anyone seen it? if so do you know what the clues are?

There's a few paged thread for the picture here
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