The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I have a question this is my first post. In what ep is it t hat Nick and Warick walk in to the lab to talk to Greg. And Nick sits in his chair and I think reaches for Gregs sandwitch. If you could help me that would be awsome.
ps sorry for the bad spelling and grammer.
Just out of many different Sheriffs have been on CSI?? I know of Mobley (seasons 1-2) and Atwater (season 4). Have there been any others????
well i think this is a longshot.does anyone remember the end of the first episode of the 6th season?Grissom and archie analyse the tape from "Grave Dangers',they realise that the kidnapper had an accomplice.Why havent they followed up that plot.i can see no mention of it in the next episodes,or maybe i missed it?
have you not seen daddys little girl yet? there is the tiniest bit of resolution but it wasnt very satisfying to most of us. i can tell you more if you like, but i dont know if youve seen those episodes yet and dont want to ruin it for you if you havent ;)
They have followed up on it, in the episode titled "Daddy's Little Girl." Without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it, there's a case that revolves around the murder of Walter Gordon's lawyer. Much is revealed about the events in GD, and it gives a bit of closure to Nick's ordeal, although I wasn't very happy with the way it turned out.
^Actually they have. In season 6 episode "Daddy's Little Girl" they go with that plot...
I have one, Baba; Does anyone know what Nick's father's name is? I need to know for a story I'm writing, but I can't remember if his name (Other than 'Judge Stokes') has been mentioned in any of the episodes!
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