The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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robospanker Chinese paper exam? You're so courageous to take it. :lol:

I can't believe I'm developing athlete's foot on my toes. :eek: How da hell did I get it?!
I can't believe a pair of shoes I wanted to buy weren't in stock. The store had them yesterday. *sighs* I should of just brought them yesterday. :rolleyes:
I can't believe how boring my exam revision is getting - I'm actually really excited about tidying my room out next week :eek: :lol:
I can't believe that I just got e-mail where they asked if I had a chance to come to tell my "TV memories" for a TV show in June, when they do the programme near me.

OMFG! :lol: I didn't even remember whole thing. I guess it was last summer when our YLE (similar to BBC) asked people's memories from tv and tv shows. I just thought, oh what the heck, and wrote two from my childhood.

I was drinking coffee while reading that e-mail and I almost spilled coffee all over my keboard.

I'm so not going :lol: :lol:
I can't believe my brother woke up. It's only 8:01. Usually he doesn't even move until after 10:00.
*wonders if he's sick*
DaWacko said:
I can't believe that I just got e-mail where they asked if I had a chance to come to tell my "TV memories" for a TV show in June, when they do the programme near me......I'm so not going :lol: :lol:
Why not??? Go, go! :lol:
^^ Season 1 or 2 finale?

I also can't believe that my best friend has been off school for two weeks :( I miss her soooo much! I really hope she gets better soon...
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