The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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zippy said:
Golden_smile I don't get the hay-wire part too. But I'm Erin and Dirk's Joke is a term coined by my friends for uhh...lame jokes...*hides from Casper*
But..but it really was lame! :lol: :lol: Erin, meet me on MSN and you'll see! :D

I can't believe how lame the school event was today. It was meant to be a Walk-a-thon but most people seem to be doing a Stoll-a-thon *sighs* I think I'd rather clean the beach.
I can't believe that I get to attend the U-20 Canada vs. Brazil football match that takes place on May 25th. I'm so excited :D!
robospanker_fan said:
I can't believe I was so obsessed with this itch on my stomach that I started scrathing at it, so now I've got a big scratch on my stomach. I almost went 'GAAHHHHH' when I had to shower.

:eek: I used to scratch my cheeks when I was 2.. mum always said to stop scratching cuz I'll regret it later.. now 21 years later, I have these pretty neat scars on my cheeks.. hardly visible but they're there and I don't regret it :D

I can't believe my brother phoned me last night and said he was proud of me that I was going to graduate from University soon :D That made me cry! He'd never said anything like that before.
I can't believe how tired I am, I didn't go to bed until about 2am which was silly really, as I had to get up for work this morning. So far I've had 4 coffees. :eek:
I can't believe one of my friends has been in hospital all week with a type of paralysis brought on by stress
Is that some kind of nervous breakdown? I had a friend who was hospitalized due to stress and she had a nervous breakdown from working too much. I hope your friend recovers soon!

Erin, meet me on MSN and you'll see!
Err...see what? Oh yeah, we're gonna have like a Dirk's Joke party? :lol:

I can't believe my brother phoned me last night and said he was proud of me that I was going to graduate from University soon That made me cry! He'd never said anything like that before.
That's so sweet and caring of him Jayne. I wish my bro would do that too but he never will. And if he does, I'll think there's something wrong with him.
Thanks for the well-wishes for my friend, guys :) She is better now - out of hospital anyway. Though she didn't take her last exam yesterday, which is understandable.

zippy - it's a condition called conversion paralysis, which I guess is like a nervous breakdown, as it's brought on by severe stress where the brain can't take anymore.

I can't believe that today some arrogant customer wrote out a cheque for £1.25 to my workplace just to make a point. *sigh* :rolleyes:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe my mum said she thought Horatio looks cute.. mu-hum!!! :lol:

Oh I can believe it, he gets to me too :lol:

I can't believe my little sister finished uni this week, she is going to graduate, but she's my little sis :eek: I am very proud of her :)
That's Horatio's Irish Charm coming out! Ahaha!

I can't believe that I'll be watching CSI for the first time after four friggin' weeks! Woohoo!!!
I can't believe G.G. Allin and I have such close birthdays (not counting years). He was born August 29 and I was born August 31, but we were born in different years.
....Good for you! :rolleyes:

I cant believe how BORED I AM! Ive tried doing some studying, walking around for an hour, drinking coffee and watching tv bu Im still bored. *sighs* :rolleyes:
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