The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe, like, actually Cannot believe there's a CSI:M reference in one of the new Simpsons episodes. I've been watching them non-stop and I haven't seen anything D:
I cannot believe that I got a job.. two actually, so I had to turn one down unfortunately.. but OMFG!! People actually believe I will make a good teacher for their kids :D It's for 0,8 fte (about 21 hours of teaching)..

I can't believe I will have to move to the middle of nowhere!! :eek: I will not survive I think.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I cannot believe that I got a job.. two actually, so I had to turn one down unfortunately.. but OMFG!! People actually believe I will make a good teacher for their kids :D It's for 0,8 fte (about 21 hours of teaching)..
Congrats, Jayne! ;)

I cant believe how hungry I am today... :rolleyes: This frigging humid weather is making me hungry!
Thanks kazzy and Dolphin

I can't believe I have only 3 days left to write my 15-page paper.. hmm.. I think I might start today :rolleyes:

I can't believe my dad is going to lose his job :(
HoratioSmiles said:
I can't believe I'm back to drinking coffee again.
Oh my god, me too! :eek: I stopped drinking coffee years and years ago and just drunk tea, but over the past 2 weeks I've switched over to coffee.

I can't believe I've only lost 2 pounds on my diet. :( It sucks, I'm sure I should've lost more than that. :eek:
I can't believe my auntie's husband "did Ryans" yesterday.

Dad told when I got home today.
Auntie's husband had been nailing something and got a nail thru his eye. He hadn't showed it to anyone and when auntie had said she'll take him to the docs, he had just jumped in the car and drove to healthcare centre alone. Later on they had called to auntie that he had been taken to bigger hospital and he'll have surgery right away. They say he can still keep his sight even nail went thru eyeball.
Jayne, sorry to hear about our dad.

DaWacko, hope your oncle gets better.

I can't believe I had my hair cut today. I haven't got used to it...
i cant believe my geriatric cat just caught and killed an other chipmunk! poor thing, i gave it a proper funeral and burial :(
:lol: I can't believe that Paris Hilton actually has a music video. I almost died laughing when I watched it earlier today. Oh god...
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