The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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^stop it Katester, I want to make a big deal about 666 :lol:

I can't believe I'm hardly on MSN lately :(

I can't believe in a way I want my parents to come back home so I can go back to studying.. when they're away I hardly do a thing.. hmpf.
Well... obession.. Yahell is so much better than MSN... I'm the same... it's rare if I log in on MSN
I can't believe how loud my Dad snores! :eek: It kept me up half the night and I'm two rooms away. I woke up in such a bad mood this morning. :(
I can't believe my niece can be so hyper on this boring Wednesday. Bleh..

Edit: I can't believe my mum got pissed off over the fact that I didn't know where in her office I should put her stuff! And when I ask, she points outside the office and says 'cupboard' and when I ask 'What cupboard?' she got mad. :(
I can't believe I haven't heard that one before. I always used to have normal hamsters! :lol:

oh believe me, i'm in shock too, he hanging there like monkey! :lol: he is so funny. :lol:
^:lol: I can so visualise that LMAO

I can't believe I can feel my tonsils swell :( Please, wait until the weekend, I still have 4 job-interviews this week and I don't want to show up with a manly voice.

I can't believe my canary is eating lettuce.. for like.. always! And she starts chirping very sadly when she's done with it and wants more.

I can't believe I'll be done with my study half July, then work for four weeks at the Uni, then start a real job in the third week of August.. whaaaa, I can't believe I have no summer holiday!! :eek:
*comes baring plates full of poptarts! :D*

I can't believe how officially rubbish this week is.
I can't believe that I just got an e-mail from my bestest best friend basically saying that it is my fault that she hides how she feels, because of what happened to me she pushed her feelings aside! I never wanted her to do that! :( *cries* It was a very sad e-mail! *cries some more*
I can't believe how much my wrists hurts. My friend says I probably have Carpal Tunnel =/
But she may be joking. I have no clue.
I can't believe how judgemental people can be. I mean, just a few things I've heard today.
"Autistic people can be smart if they'd just work at it."
"It's your fault that you're so angry. If you didn't keep it in all the time, you wouldn't blow up so much."
Easier said than effing done.
"Sara shouldn't be with Grissom because her hair looks like shit most of the time."
Okay. Whaaaaaaaaaaat.

I can't go on, I'd rather do something less painful, like stick my foot in the oven.
I can't believe how far I've lasted on the diet I'm doing, I've never lasted this long (a full week :lol:). I'm still starving hungry but I'm now getting used to it. :lol:
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