The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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speed_cochrane said:
*eats poptart and gives one to Golden_Smile*

*takes poptart very quickly and gobbles it down* :D What flavour was it?

I can't believe that I am back at school tomorrow :(

I can't believe it is 5:20pm and I am still not washed and dressed!

I can't believe that my friend who is ill still isn't going to be back at school tomorrow :'(
I can't believe I still don't know what poptart is :rolleyes:

I can't believe my neighbours are at the balcony playing the guitar, which sounded very nice until the moment they started to sing :(

I can't believe people have got to go to school tomorrow.. here everyone has tomorrow off!
I can't believe I had to move 3 huge dustbin carts at work just to park my car (park around the back, down an ally). :( My hands got covered in loads of crap and I'd not long had a shower *shudders*. :mad:
I can't believe that my left tonsil is as big as a table tennis ball :( It's very swallen.
And I can't believe that I can't swallow :( *cries* *hopes to feel better*
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I still don't know what poptart is :rolleyes:

Sorry, a poptart is pastry sort of thing. Iis flat and has some sort of filling, usually a jam sort of thing. Then it has icing on top with little bits on the icing (only to give it more colour really). Sorry that wasn't a very good explanation, but they are kind of hard to explain, just one word... YUM! :p

I can't believe there are a lot of people who don't know what pop tarts are! :lol:

I can't believe that I came on the computer to do my history coursework at 3:30pm and still haven't even touched my book! (now 6:30pm :eek:)

I can't believe that I have bought loads of albums from MSN Music over the past couple of months and now it won't let me play any of them! :mad: It says something about a needing a license - I've got one! I paid £6.99 for each bloody album! That means I have a license! !:mad:!:mad:!:mad:!

I can't believe that my counsellor person said that next week will be our last appointment - I've only been seeing her for about 5 weeks! :( :mad:

I can't believe how much of a bad mood I am in...

I can't believe how many of these I have!

I cant believe I got myself worked up for this maths test for no reason. It was riducoulsy easy, really. :rolleyes: Oh well. *pats self on back* good girl on learning some of it on the bus. :D
I can't believe that I go to school sickly.
I cant believe cathwarfan always promises she'll be online on msn, but she does NEVER come. Seriously. Be afraid if you want to add her :lol:
I can't believe i am actually going to have two days in a row off work (wouldn't usually be unbelievable seeing as I have only just gone to part time). However I did 10 days in a row, which was rubbish
I can't believe I'm still not done with preparing my conference talk tomorrow.. and I really don't feel like continuing working on it. All I need is to find some meaningful quotes.. hmpf.. I'll get up early tomorrow morning and do it then.. luckily I am a morning person and don't need much sleep.

I can't believe people fight over a friggin' clock, and don't see and talk to each other for 2,5 years :eek:
*raises hand* I never knew what was "a poptart" but I'm glad Jayne asked that.
I mean, now from explanation I know what it is, but the English word was totally new to me. Not in my dictionary that word is.
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